thanks ECF!

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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
Just wanted to say hello and thanks to everyone on ECF! Wouldn't have done this without you. I kept seeing an "E-cigarette" poster at the convenience store where I bought my analogs. Not wanting to try it without doing a little research, I hit Google a little over two weeks ago and eventually found ECF. The many, many helpful posts convinced me to invest my money in a Joye 510 with a PCC (got it from Cignot--they're awesome) rather than get the cheap one from the convenience store. Smoked and vaped occasionally for a few days and then a couple of days ago started vaping in the morning and haven't touched an analog since. In a few short months I would have been smoking for 17 years...

Can't thank you all enough. Look forward to posting about my experiences and milestones.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 1, 2010
misskate to ECF. Cignot is where I went after seeing ecigs at the mall about the same way you did. I hope you find it as rewarding here as I have.


Full Member
Mar 13, 2011
personal motivation to quit-----By way of background, my wife & I are long time analog users and have failed at numerous attempts to quit; using numerous methods. I was recently diagnosed with throat cancer and underwent radiation & chemotherapy. Obviously, at long last, I had to quit smoking.
The cancer is currently in remission. (Note that one can never claim he/she no longer has cancer, only that it is currently in remission. In the same vein, a former smoker can never claim to be a non-smoker; only that he/she is currently not using tobacco products).
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