Thank You! Thank You!!!!!

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New Member
Dec 15, 2010
I just want to thank everyone here on this board for all the fantastic information about getting starting with vaping! I am now 3 weeks and 3 days into vaping and haven't even wanted a real live nasty ole cigarette!!!

I have lurked here for 2 months looking everything over and informing myself as to the best methods and the best equipment. I love vaping! I love not smelling like smoke!! I love the money savings! My husband loves kissing me again!! (that's a biggie!)

I have being trying to quit for 20 freakin years! I have tried it all and nothing worked for me. Within 1 day of vaping I knew I would never ever smoke a real cigarette again!!!

Again my sincerest thanks to all of you who were kind enough to post all your experience here for those of us new to vaping. The best news is I got my brother to order his new starter kit this weekend! He tried mine and loved it! Now our family will be completely smoke free!

Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks! Did I mention . . . THANKS!!!!!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

No Brag

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
Hey Brookes, are you sure you are happy about this?:facepalm: Glad you're here :2cool:and "Thanks"[QUOTE=Brookes;2409930]I just want to thank everyone here on this board for all the fantastic information about getting starting with vaping! I am now 3 weeks and 3 days into vaping and haven't even wanted a real live nasty ole cigarette!!!

I have lurked here for 2 months looking everything over and informing myself as to the best methods and the best equipment. I love vaping! I love not smelling like smoke!! I love the money savings! My husband loves kissing me again!! (that's a biggie!)

I have being trying to quit for 20 freakin years! I have tried it all and nothing worked for me. Within 1 day of vaping I knew I would never ever smoke a real cigarette again!!!

Again my sincerest thanks to all of you who were kind enough to post all your experience here for those of us new to vaping. The best news is I got my brother to order his new starter kit this weekend! He tried mine and loved it! Now our family will be completely smoke free!

Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks! Did I mention . . . THANKS!!!!!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh:[/QUOTE]


New Member
Dec 15, 2010
Thanks for all the warm welcomes and support! You guys are super! And yes I'm happy!!!!

I chose the little pink meanie (my name for it) from Cignot, the Joye eGo, I get my goop from FreedomSmokeUSA. Love their options, love their Caramel Apple! Who knew!!!!!

It was the best during the freezing cold holiday season! I watched other folks standing out in the 30 degree cold smoking. Not me, I went to the ladies room, into the stall I went and had a lovely smoke oops I mean vape in the warmth!!

My husband still kinda freaks when I sit down at the table to vape after dinner. He's getting used to it. Last night he did make a comment and I said "would you prefer I go back to cigs and go stand out on the cold deck?" "ummmm no dear" Right answer honey!!!!

I just can't believe how easy it was to walk away from the cigs! I'm just bummed that this wasn't around sooner! I would have given up cigs years ago.

I love the fact that I no longer seem to be some threat to society by smoking! I did it for me but still it's nice to not be a smoker any longer. I feel free, that may sound silly but it's true!

Again thanks to all of you for the great info and for the super support! I will never smoke again! However I will vape till the cows come home!!!!!:p


Full Member
Dec 22, 2010
Orlando, FL
Congrats and welcome to ECF :)

I read a few posts similar to this before I decided to start vaping and the generous outpouring of support combined with the enthusiasm of people who had quit analogs and were in such high spirits were what convinced me and are what brings me back. We are truly blessed to have a method of nicotine replacement therapy that tastes great and helps us kick such a nasty habit. More so, I am truly blessed for ECF and the great people in this community. So glad to see another satisfied e-liquid user. Keep up the good work and keep coming back!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
I never get tired of reading posts like this, either. Welcome, Brookes and congrats! Every time someone makes a post like this it just gives more proof that vaping really works! Vaping and this forum have been a godsend to me and I'm thankful every day for it. Don't you just love your little pink eGo? Even though I've moved up to a mod, I still keep mine with me as a back up because it has never failed me.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 24, 2010
Orlando, FL
I just want to thank everyone here on this board for all the fantastic information about getting starting with vaping! I am now 3 weeks and 3 days into vaping and haven't even wanted a real live nasty ole cigarette!!!

I have lurked here for 2 months looking everything over and informing myself as to the best methods and the best equipment. I love vaping! I love not smelling like smoke!! I love the money savings! My husband loves kissing me again!! (that's a biggie!)

I have being trying to quit for 20 freakin years! I have tried it all and nothing worked for me. Within 1 day of vaping I knew I would never ever smoke a real cigarette again!!!

Again my sincerest thanks to all of you who were kind enough to post all your experience here for those of us new to vaping. The best news is I got my brother to order his new starter kit this weekend! He tried mine and loved it! Now our family will be completely smoke free!

Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks! Did I mention . . . THANKS!!!!!!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Welcome to the family Brookes 8) we are glad to have a new addition!!

I did the same thing you did. If it weren't for all the folks here that give such incredible information i'd probably be smoking a marlboro red right now as we speak. But, because of all the great people i've met here i'm now 2 months smoke free today.

Enjoy the vaping and the flavors because that is one of the many things you will fall inlove with fast. Also, never EVER fear to ask questions. I've asked a million of them here and i've always had such great people to answer them for me.

This is not just a forum. i've been on forums for years in terms of sports or other categories, the other ones i was never sucked into like this.

Everyone you meet here is like your extended family. if you ever plan to do vape meets in your local area (or go outside your local area) chances are you will meet a handful of people that you converse with frequently on here.

Welcome to your new family 8)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2010
West Georgia
Good for you! I smogged for 30+ years, 2ppd and thought i'd never quit. I actually found ecigs over 2 years ago but they were so poor quality and so expensive I just kept smogging. Been cig free for almost a year and a half now. Make sure you keep plenty of spare attys & juice on hand at all times. Most folks that backslide do so when they run out of something.
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