Thank you ECF members

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Apr 30, 2013
I haven't been vaping but a few months now and have dove in head first. I moved quickly from the "cute" light up electronic cigarettes to egos to vv/vw and my latest quest has been mechs. Along the way I have left my analog addiction and became addicted to new and wonderful juices. Not all have been good but some have been GREAT!! One flavor that I fell in love with was pluid and since then have managed to get all of murdock's flavors as well as some AVE juice, HHV flavors, and the wonderful Grants custard. All of this would not have been possible without the wonderful juice connoisseurs here at ECF since I don't have a local B&M or "vape shop"I could run to.

Not sure if this belongs here but wanted to show my appreciation for all the help this community has given me in my quest to kick the analogs.

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