Thank you Drew for Great Customer Service

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Jun 2, 2009
Hi ya hittman :) Ive been around, just don't post as much, I'm
leaving that up to the newer vapors, I do however post when
I have something to say especially if it will help out fellow vapors :)
I guess I need to mosey on over to the veterans ....

Hey Drew, Yes I will be at the Florida Vapors Meet, I have a hotel
for the night of the 9th and 10th .. I will probably get there around
4ish, I will see you there :) I have been talking to Needvapor and
asked her to go, but don't know if she is going to yet.If not I guess
I will be there by myself. Its going to be so much fun!!! Can't wait!!!


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    youtube, I can totally understand that. Congrats on making it past the one year mark. So do you feel any different since you are a veteran? Just kidding. It's good to talk to you again. I don't spend alot of time on this side of the tracks any more but can't resist popping in on the Nhaler forum from time to time. I got my first kit and liquid from Drew and he has treated me well ever since. Even though I can be quite the pain in the ...., he is pretty tolerant of me and I appreciate that.


    Resting In Peace
    Mar 14, 2009
    New Jersey
    Great to see you as well hittman.. Glad that you are still doing business with us and hope you always continue to. its a great feeling to have made it this far.. and now we are getting even bigger than i expected 8-o glad to have such a devoted group of customers... cant wait to see what happens next!!!!! Thanks


    Resting In Peace
    Mar 14, 2009
    New Jersey
    Hi ya hittman :) Ive been around, just don't post as much, I'm
    leaving that up to the newer vapors, I do however post when
    I have something to say especially if it will help out fellow vapors :)
    I guess I need to mosey on over to the veterans ....

    Hey Drew, Yes I will be at the Florida Vapors Meet, I have a hotel
    for the night of the 9th and 10th .. I will probably get there around
    4ish, I will see you there :) I have been talking to Needvapor and
    asked her to go, but don't know if she is going to yet.If not I guess
    I will be there by myself. Its going to be so much fun!!! Can't wait!!!



    ECF Guru
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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Great to see you as well hittman.. Glad that you are still doing business with us and hope you always continue to. its a great feeling to have made it this far.. and now we are getting even bigger than i expected 8-o glad to have such a devoted group of customers... cant wait to see what happens next!!!!! Thanks

    To me, it would be difficult to not be devoted customer considering how well you treat us. You always answer my emails and questions no matter how stupid they are(yes I remember the time I forgot about the holiday when inquiring about an order). You provide a great set of products at a fair price and then give us a discount code to make it even better. Not to mention you spend so much time trying to help us and run your business at the same time. As I approach my one year mark here on the forum, I think back to pulling a package containing my very first e-cig kit out of the mailbox and looking at the label and it read Half Measure. I smiled and then ripped the envelope to shreds to get at my first 510 kit and bottle of newport liquid. Thanks Drew for taking care of us.


    Super Member
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    Jan 20, 2010
    I'll second that hittman, the customer service is second to none with Drew and Aisa and the products are sooo good I keep a couple of their buisiness cards in my wallet to hand out when I get questions about e-cigs.

    Drew - I never expect extras when I order, but it is always fun to get them. You went above and beyond with my latest order (of a Phidias which is awesome), it is greatly appreciated. I can't put the Octane Almond Joy down it is so good and authentic, I never would have thought I would like that flavor enough to try it and the LR 306 attys are the perfect atty IMO. Thanks!


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 16, 2009
    Richmond, VA
    Well, I could reiterate about all the great customer service, quick shipping, great products, etc.....but I'll just simply say that Drew and Nhaler deliver EVERY TIME on great service and great products. I've got two more coming (the G400 and the XS Haler) and they're both on the way already-everything went smooth with the transaction and communication as usual! Thanks Drew!


    Ultra Member
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    May 18, 2009
    South Jersey USA
    Drew hand carried an order to me in Florida while I was there from NJ caring for my 30 year old niece who had bilateral mastectomies to prevent breast cancer. I killed my end cap of my xhaler and was desperate. Bless your heart for saving me from xhaler withdrawal. You are a kind and dear man. The coconut bra and grass skirt were a nice touch as well:facepalm:
    Thanks for the best darned service ever
    Bonnie non:2cool: smoking husband is hooked on his e-cigar...LOL:vapor:


    Ultra Member
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    Mar 27, 2009
    Bay Area, Ca
    I too want to want to add my comments on the EXCELLENT service I always recieve from Drew, Sean and Aisa. Only they know how many times I have emailed, panicked and emailed again and again regarding my request and wishes and they are ALWAYS quick to reply by email or phone and they never appear to be annoyed with my replies and request no matter how many times I have bugged them. They are simply the best in the business in Customer Services.


    Senior Member
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    Jul 16, 2009
    Richmond, VA
    You know, the people in the USPS have been acting really...dare I say....STUPID lately! So, the last order from Nhaler went from Drew's place in NJ, to Charlotte NC (which is 300 miles south of me), then back up to me in Richmond, VA. Now, I may be crazy...but isn't VA between NJ and NC?!?!?!?!? my next order which I was sure was going to be here today (because Drew and Nhaler are rocking experts at fast shipping), went from NJ, up to Mass....then further north to Nashua New Hampshire!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello USPS??? I'm in know...that state that's SOUTH of NJ...and I do believe that Mass and NH are north of NJ! (I think I was paying attention that day in Geography classes).

    So, not a knock on Drew or Nhaler at all...they addressed it right, with the right zip code and got it out fast (as usual!)....I'm just letting off a little steam and sharing a funny story about our wonderfully efficient United States Postal Service....and forget filing a complaint or question with the takes them around 4 or 5 business days to get back to you...and at that point the package usually shows up anyways. Wow, if you want to talk about Socialist programs being bad for America...then let's talk about the USPS and their inability to read a friggin' map!!!!! :)
    Last edited:


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 16, 2009
    Richmond, VA
    Drew, got my LR306 attys and the 30ml bottle of HV Vanilla Custard today. Thanks again for the great, quick service as usual. This Vanilla Custard mix is something you should truly be proud of, Drew. It's fantastic. Tastes like the real thing and the vapor production, throat hit, and flavor are out of this world with the LR306 on my Tornado. Can't wait to use it on my Xs Haler as well.

    The drip tips are top notch (I got the yellow and black ones) 'em! Thanks again!
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