Tell your story on CASAA's Facebook page!

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Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Jun 19, 2010
Chicago IL
Wow, only 12 stories posted? I thought I'd wake up to dozens of stories, not just a dozen! Don't you guys wanted the truth to be known and expose their lies??

I would love to post mine. However some people avoid facebook due to privacy concerns.

If you would provide a facility for this on your web site, or accept one via e-mail.. I would be happy to submit.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2010
Georgia USA
Check out this thread:

Let's get thousands of success stories in one place and show the antis are lying when they say "there's no proof!"

CASAA on Facebook/Success Stories

It is a great idea but also a catch 22.......If ecigs are marketed as a quit smoking device then the FDA has us just where they want us and can use that proof against us to regulate it. It is hard to say if it would just be an 18 and over item in a local store or
prescription required. I know its hard to Not scream from the rooftops that it has helped you quit and WE know it works. Anyone else wanna chime in?

Here is another thread you can post on the facebook page..........
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
There is a difference between quitting smoking and curing nicotine addiction. It appears that a product can only be considered an FDA-approved smoking cessation product if has been proven that it treats nicotine addiction. Companies making the claim that they are smoking cessation devices get in trouble because e-cigarettes haven't been studied as a treatment for nicotine addiction and frankly, there isn't even a lot of anecdotal evidence that the "step down" approach has been tried by the majority of vapers or that it works for those who have tried. On the other hand, as a smoking cessation product, there is a plethora of anecdotal evidence that people are able to successfully switch and avoid smoking. There is simply no way to avoid the fact that by switching completely to vaping, you are no longer smoking.

Additionally, it's not asking for just a testimonial of "I quit smoking." It's for your whole STORY. That includes things like the fact that you feel better rather than worse - pretty much shooting down claims that these have horrendous side effects and are filled with poisonous antifreeze.

Finally, the federal courts have already given the opinion that the FDA cannot regulate these as drug delivery devices simply because people use them to quit smoking - the company itself has to make the claim that it is INTENDED to be a smoking cessation device and market it as such. So stories on a non-company web site cannot be used as an excuse to regulate the product as a drug treatment. That'd be like requiring Ocean Spray to produce studies and call itself a drug that cures urinary tract infections because people post on the internet that cranberry juice helps clear them up.

Also, it's an opportunity to tell your side of the story and how you feel about what the FDA and other groups are doing. Let them know what you would do if they banned e-cigarettes - would you switch to gum or Chantix, quit cold turkey or would you most likely go back to smoking?

If it makes people feel more comfortable - explain in your post that you use them as a smoking alternative and not as a way to treat nicotine addiction/dependency. Maybe you use them to save money or you're protesting high taxes - whatever YOUR story is.

It is a great idea but also a catch 22.......If ecigs are marketed as a quit smoking device then the FDA has us just where they want us and can use that proof against us to regulate it. It is hard to say if it would just be an 18 and over item in a local store or
prescription required. I know its hard to Not scream from the rooftops that it has helped you quit and WE know it works. Anyone else wanna chime in?
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