Tasty Vapor. Inconsistancy in a bottle.

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Nov 4, 2009
I believe it... I jsut got reamed on a tobacco doubler that is nothing more than brown PG in a ....ing bottle. But in their defense if you didn't like it why did you keep ordering it? Personally I think they have a crappy attitude for a vendor and I'm going to make my OWN damn liquid from now on.

Yeah I kinda understand what your saying but It seems Geoff is a no non-sense guy. Im sure he deals with alot of people who expect everything for nothing. I cant count how much money Ive spent on liquid that just doesn't taste that great to me, but we cant expect a vendor to replace everything, just either let it sit for awhile or sell it and invest in your next e liquid purchase. I would be willing to trade you some e - liquid for it, send me a PM.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2009
somewhere out there......
actually eliquids can kill atties depending on how thick they are. I got some of Johnson Creek eliquids that killed my 510 attie after the first puff. you have to keep the eliquids thin enough to make sure it can be able to vape. The thicker it is the more problems your attie will most likely have. But if you keep it to thin the attie will leak like crazy.... have to find that perfect consistacy. Always at the start of the day shake your eliquid bottles. That will help keep a good consistacy through out the life of that bottle.

And honestly I have ordered from Totally Wicked plenty of times. And each time the flavor is different. Sometimes a little and sometimes completly different. I have ordered from many venders and its the same deal... after a year of vaping I guess you notice these things lol.... :)
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 11, 2010
Washington State
I have only re-ordered one flavor so far-Caramel Apple and the second bottle was better than the first- think that had a lot to do with going from all PG to 20%VG-

My second order of Orange Lime is on the way and I expect it to be as good or better than the first.

I had several flavors I just wasn't crazy about and pretty much ignored them for a few weeks- just picked up my Pina Colda and Cherry Lemonade again and both now taste fantastic.
Seriously if you are unhappy with a flavor let it age if you still don't like it trade it!

As for atomizers I know Murphy's law will kick in once I say this but I am still using the same atty's from our first two kits.

I use only TV now except for my husbands tobacco flavor (and I really should have gone ahead and ordered some during the special last week, but admit to selfishly going for the fun flavors- he doesn't vape much yet anyway. lol)

Everyone won't like every flavor but there are plenty of people willing to give unloved TV juice a new home..


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Sep 8, 2009
I gotta say that the tobacco from Geoff is awesome but it does kill my atty's quick. They don't die, but the gunk buildup on the coil diminishes the vapor to near nothing. I have tried everything to clean them but once this happens they're done despite what any other thread on ECF will tell you. Geoff, if you're reading this, do heavy vapors of your tobacco juice report this problem and if so, are you doing anything to fix the problem? Any new filtering methods per say? I hate to give on the tobacco from you.

Happy Domino38

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2010
Toronto Canada
I had heard all about Geoff's A.C. killing atties, so I made sure I had FIVE on hand when they arrived. To date, I've been using the same atty for 3 weeks STRAIGHT and NO decrease on vapor production, NO flavor loss, etc.

I'm sure that you could ALWAYS trade a T.V. liquid in the Classified section..good luck and sorry to hear about your troubles!!


Senior Member
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Sep 8, 2009
I had heard all about Geoff's A.C. killing atties, so I made sure I had FIVE on hand when they arrived. To date, I've been using the same atty for 3 weeks STRAIGHT and NO decrease on vapor production, NO flavor loss, etc.

I'm sure that you could ALWAYS trade a T.V. liquid in the Classified section..good luck and sorry to hear about your troubles!!

I am specifically referring to tobacco only. Haven't tried other flavors so I don't know. I vape the tobacco non stop all day. I suspect that Geoffs process isn't filtering out fine tobacco, not seen by the eye.


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I had heard all about Geoff's A.C. killing atties, so I made sure I had FIVE on hand when they arrived. To date, I've been using the same atty for 3 weeks STRAIGHT and NO decrease on vapor production, NO flavor loss, etc.

I'm sure that you could ALWAYS trade a T.V. liquid in the Classified section..good luck and sorry to hear about your troubles!!

I haven't had that problem at all, actually I started with AC and had my atty last about 2 months ( not bad with my abuse.)

On another note, I have noticed slight changes but, It is HAND made, so I expect a little change. When I ever had an issue, they always try to help or fix it. Now for the people getting all bent about Geof's "tude" He has done something that most of us has taken for granted, another choice, preferred by MANY. So if he gets a little angry or frustrated, don't get mean and remember, he has issues and problems just like all of us. I think he also takes GREAT PRIDE in his work. Don't get crabby because you don't like TV. If you can get a better price go get it.

Am I rambling... sorry, I get that way. Oh, and I'm not looking for enemies, please understand that these are just thoughts :rolleyes:


Senior Member
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Apr 14, 2010
San Francisco
So far I've gotten excellent service from TV (same day shipping), and I've liked 4 of 5 flavors I got (the tobacco I'm not wild about but tobac flavors are the most subjective).

I think Geoff does get a little caustic on the boards. It doesn't bother me, because I do business based on service, price and quality, and so far TV has been strong in all three. I can see that it would be off putting to some people though.

Atties are indeed very tricky. I got 2 atties with my Tornado and they're both great. Then I bought a 5 pack from another vendor because they were cheap. I rotated some of the ones from the 5 pack in, and they don't produce as much taste or vapor, and 1 of them may be dying on me, 3 days after I started using it, and using it only sporadically. I doubt it's any of the juice. I also use Halo and some dekang. I think I'm just going to go with cartomizers because I'm tired of the crap with atties and the constant refilling and modding the carts.

- wolf


Moved On
Apr 30, 2010
Spending money to find juices we like is just par for the course I'm afraid. There are no magical free try before you buy taste tests.

I'm sorry you are having such a bad experience, however I do feel it was unfair to come here and rant about it without first discussing the problem with Geoff. I have only dealt with him a couple of times, with some silly questions I had, and I have to say he was a pleasure to deal with. I have only tasted a few of his juices and liked them so much that I just placed another larger order.

Posting about it here won't solve your problem, talking to Geoff was the only way to handle this issue. I can understand his being upset that you came here first.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2009
I agree with the 4 purchases thing. If I had bought something once and didn't like it, I would stop buying from that place. I wouldn't try 3 more times, then post 15 times about how I didn't like it, how much money I wasted, how you should never buy from TV...etc.
I've never had a problem with TV.

The only thing extraordinary that has ever happened to me when ordering from TV is that I made a poorly concocted custom flavor; Geoff fixed my recipe and made it a premium flavor on the site.

I have never heard of someone hating something, but buying so much of it. I have only had one atty killer in a year JC chocolate truffle. I sent them a nice email and returned it and was sent a replacement. Top tip be nice.
That apple tobacco sounds nice lol, but easy on the pastry.
My TV tobacco vapes like a champ with loads of vapor. 20% VG
PS SIGN THE PETITION.. 279 last time I looked... pathetic.

Mr. Tasty Vapor

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
I have to say, that I would have been much more appreciative of someone taking the situation to me like an adult and seeing what resolutions could be made, than gradually building up a stock of liquids they supposedly didn't like over a period of time, then try to play the victim role on a public forum.


Moved On
Apr 30, 2010
I have to say, that I would have been much more appreciative of someone taking the situation to me like an adult and seeing what resolutions could be made, than gradually building up a stock of liquids they supposedly didn't like over a period of time, then try to play the victim role on a public forum.

While the Op's issues may be genuine, I very much doubt it will have negative impact on you Geoff. You reputation is right up there and you have too many happy customers.


Vaping Master
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Nov 1, 2009
Mtns of Tennessee
I'm sorry but this is just Rubbish.

When i have a problem with a vendor...i go to them..

I've seen people who didnt particularly care for the TastyFinger...but i've never seen anyone who thought it was downright Terrible !

I'm sorry...but i have to say this whole thing just seems like someone trying to create problems.


Moved On
Apr 30, 2010
I'm sorry but this is just Rubbish.

When i have a problem with a vendor...i go to them..

I've seen people who didnt particularly care for the TastyFinger...but i've never seen anyone who thought it was downright Terrible !

I'm sorry...but i have to say this whole thing just seems like someone trying to create problems.

His issues could well be genuine, but I think he went about resolving them the wrong way. Hopefully he can get it sorted, as like I said .... taste is subjective. I'd be more inclined to think he has an atomizer problem, rather than bad juice.


Ultra Member
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Sep 19, 2009
Redneck Rivera
I'm sorry but this is just Rubbish.

When i have a problem with a vendor...i go to them..

I've seen people who didnt particularly care for the TastyFinger...but i've never seen anyone who thought it was downright Terrible !

I'm sorry...but i have to say this whole thing just seems like someone trying to create problems.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Lewiston, Id
I have to say, that I would have been much more appreciative of someone taking the situation to me like an adult and seeing what resolutions could be made, than gradually building up a stock of liquids they supposedly didn't like over a period of time, then try to play the victim role on a public forum.

Ill be the adult here you doo doo head, Im very angry at TV, since I have recieved their juice, it makes my others juices seem inferior. Plus I am vaping this twice as fast because it tastes so good, which means I will have to buy twice as much. And to make it worse, now there are 4 flavors on sale...4...at the same time, thanks alot, now I have to buy more...geez.:D

Happy Domino38

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2010
Toronto Canada
I haven't had that problem at all, actually I started with AC and had my atty last about 2 months ( not bad with my abuse.)

On another note, I have noticed slight changes but, It is HAND made, so I expect a little change. When I ever had an issue, they always try to help or fix it. Now for the people getting all bent about Geof's "tude" He has done something that most of us has taken for granted, another choice, preferred by MANY. So if he gets a little angry or frustrated, don't get mean and remember, he has issues and problems just like all of us. I think he also takes GREAT PRIDE in his work. Don't get crabby because you don't like TV. If you can get a better price go get it.

Am I rambling... sorry, I get that way. Oh, and I'm not looking for enemies, please understand that these are just thoughts :rolleyes:

Umm, you may have noticed that I WASN'T getting 'bent', nor was I being 'mean', I was PRAISING Geoff..what I SAID was, I had HEARD that T.V.'s liquids were atty killers, but I've been using the SAME ONE for THREE WEEKS. Please don't 'skim' my posts then respond to what you THINK you read. :confused:

On the other hand, if you WERE addressing the OP, quote HIS comments as well as mine. :)
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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
TV's Butterfinger is one of the best juices I've ever had- I even put it ahead of RY4 in my queue. I even let one of my analog-smoking friends try it and he loved it. If you don't like the juice why not trade it on the forum instead of throwing it out? I usually buy a larger bottle of juice that I'm fairly sure I'll like and if I don't like it for some reason I can still easily trade it.
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