Talk to me a little about the medical M

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  • Jan 22, 2012
    Vape Hartwell, GA
    That's the thing about prohibition. The cannabis today is practically stripped of its CBD; the major component of a well balanced plant. Take Marinol for example. It became popular with AIDS patients as a substitute for cannabis, but one of the major complaints was it gave the users the paranoia and racing thoughts because it was almost 100% THC. The kicker was on the label, something to the tune of "Do not drive or use heavy equipment until you are use to the effects".


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    I know absolutely nothing about it. I have prostate cancer and can't sleep at night due to the pain, I tried a Norco before bedtime, and slept pretty good, but didn't like how I felt in the morning, so just as soon not mess with it.
    The daughter in law was telling me about her boyfriend who was in an automobile wreck and used something called RJ something or other. He'd put just a drop on a cracker before bed and it helped him a lot.
    I did briefly talk to my Primary care Dr., about the medical stuff, and while not against it, she would be concerned about me becoming dizzy, dis oriented, and fall and break a bone as I have osteoporosis. I want to talk to my Urologist about it, but don't see him till next month.
    So anyway, maybe start a convo here and maybe I can become a little more enlightened.


    Can't add much to the conversation because I have never used Cannabis for Medical Reasons.

    But sending out Good Waves that you get thru things. And for you to Stay Strong.


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  • Jan 22, 2012
    Vape Hartwell, GA
    Dang it! Maybe I should have gotten this one, instead of the low cbd oil. The RSO is what I initally wanted, but somehow I wasn't paying enough attention when I got what I did.
    Captain Jack's Dispensary Menu | Leafly
    Hey oplholik. It's been a while. Hope you're doing well. Have you found any relief from what you were looking for?


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    Mar 22, 2011
    San Bernardino area, So. Cal.
    Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates. I have been just lurking off and on, not feeling much like interacting. Things are pretty much the same.
    I have backed off the cbd, as I didn't want there to be a chance of it interfering with what the Dr., was working with. I was also getting a little worried about that the amount it was looking like I was going to have to take would just be too expensive, also I don't yet want to be off in la la land just yet. Pain management at this time is by Tylenol and codeine at bed time.
    I thank you for your concerns, I really appreciate it. There might yet be a time....


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