Switching to e-Cigs and weight gain.....or no weight gain????

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2010
Who has time to eat (or have a real life) when vaping?

We're all too busy ordering stuff online (and then going through the whole process again to order better parts and liquid), dripping, dipping, recharging batteries, blowing out atomizers/cartomizers, cleaning atomizers and/or cartomizers, cleaning hard and soft caps and condoms, screwing on and unscrewing atomizers and/or cartomizers, mixing liquids, testing mixtures of liquids, refilling cartomizers, cleaning everything with rubbing alcohol, washing the sticky stuff off from our fingers and hands, reading, posting, and chatting at the EC Forum, stopping everything to puff, puff, puff, and inhale for a few seconds every few seconds (hoping we'll get that intense throat hit or great flavor or clouds of vapor--whatever your preference is), stalking the mail delivery person, checking tracking information online, checking out links that others have posted, decorating batteries, going to Walmart to buy syringes, Glycerin, and tire inflation needles (to use instead of regular syringe needle), and I'm sure a few other things.

What did I leave out?
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optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
I've been vaping for almost a year, and smoke free for 10 months....have decreased my nicotine by about 1/3 from the beginning, and my weight is stable.

IMO there are two potential routes for weight gain when not smoking. One is the metabolic effects and loss of appetite associated with nicotine- but i think that's a lesser route. The second is that when people quit cold-turkey, use NRT, or meds, that there's also a need to replace the hand-to-mouth behavior that is strongly associated with the rewards from smoking- or from food. Food has the hand to mouth behavior and 'naturally' stimulates the same reward pathways (ok- to be a little more accurate, nicotine hijacks that pathway). That is, extra food gets used to decrease the discomfort associated with quitting smoking in the traditional ways. E-cigs provide the reward and maintain the hand to mouth association....Of course ymmv


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 28, 2010
Southeastern Virginia
I'm really glad this thread was started. I've been arguing with my doctors that one of my BP (blood pressure) meds is causing weight gain that I cannot control. One of the docs insisted it was from stopping smoking. I know for a fact that I've cut back on food until I barely eat anything.

I intentionally lost weight about 6 years ago, and had learned how to manage my weight during that losing process. I could indulge a little over the holidays and such, then cut back a little and the weight would come off. Suddenly my weight management didn't work. I cut back and kept gaining. Cut back more and still kept gaining. I put on 25 pounds, went up 2 sizes - I've managed to level off - but I can't lose any. This is so frustrating.

Like most here, I find vaping very satisfying, and have no need to nibble and snack on sweets and starchy snacks. I've seen other complaints from people taking this particular medication, but doctors seem to discount anecdotal evidence as bogus information.
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