Sweet Spot for Buzz Pro... what's your voltage color?

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PV Masher
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Aug 22, 2010
Kauai, Hawaii
What's your favorite "sweet spot" on the new Buzz Pro?
And what are you using? (what atty/ carto / tank) (what pg/vg ratio)

I've been using it with my favorite atty - of course - SR dse 901 (3.0 Ohm) at near the "yellow" mark on the dial, and gradually moving it closer to the "red".

*Tonite i got some new juices (with more vg) and went down a bit to the "green" area, and wow... i get great flavor and plenty of vapor... and more VPD !!! (vapes per drop).

I've had mine for seems like a couple weeks... i was in on first orders... Buzzstalker here, and am loving it.

Would someone please remind me of the voltages for the green/yellow/red again?????


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Honestly, I never look. :) I just thumb it till it taste right.

I have a ton of various cartos/attys lying around and just grab whatever. My "normal" vape, though, is on a VK 901 and IKV HV 901. the VK is sweet a tad over the yellow mark (4.6V) and the IKV I just crank it (seems to settle around the red mark more often than not).
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