Surprise! E-cigs Less Addictive than Regular Cigarettes

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2013
New Joisey (aka NJ)
Big surprise........(not really):
Positive article regarding the 'addictiveness' of ecigs versus cigarettes. (With, of course, the standard 'cover your azz' disclaimers about the unknowns of long-term use.)

E-cigarettes less addictive than cigarettes, according to study

.........."We don't have long-term health data of e-cig use yet, but any common sense analysis says that e-cigs are much less toxic. And our paper shows that they appear to be much less addictive, as well. So in both measures they seem to have advantages when you're concerned about health."
The findings, which are published in Nicotine & tobacco Research, also have implications for developing e-cigs for smoking cessation.
"We might actually need e-cigarettes that are better at delivering nicotine because that's what's more likely to help people quit..........."

My thinking is that current generations of more advanced ecigs deliver quite well, with the ability to decrease nicotine content at will. Do we really need 'better nicotine delivery'??
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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
From the article said:
Higher nicotine concentration in e-cig liquid, as well as use of advanced second-generation e-cigs, which deliver nicotine more efficiently than earlier "cigalikes," predicted dependence. Consumers who had used e-cigs longer also appeared to be more addicted.

"However, people with all the characteristics of a more dependent e-cig user still had a lower e-cig dependence score than their cigarette dependence score," Foulds said. "We think this is because they're getting less nicotine from the e-cigs than they were getting from cigarettes."
I think they came to the wrong conclusion.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2011
Have you stopped chopping your wife up with a chain-saw? (just kidding philoshop). Here are the questions...
1. How many times per day do you usually use your electronic cigarette* (assume that one “time” consists of around 15 puffs or lasts around 10 minutes) times
(Scoring: 0-4 times/day = 0, 5-9 = 1, 10-14 = 2, 15-19 = 3, 20-29 = 4, 30+ = 5)
2. On days that you can use your electronic cigarette freely, how soon after you wake up do you first use your electronic cigarette?* minutes
(Scoring: < 5 minutes = 5, 6-15 = 4, 16-30 = 3, 31-60 = 2, 61-120 = 1, 121+ = 0)
3. Do you sometimes awaken at night to use your electronic cigarette? +
(Scoring: Yes = 1, No = 0)
4. If yes, how many nights per week do you typically awaken to use your electronic cigarette ? +
(Scoring: 0-1 nights = 0, 2-3 nights = 1, 4+ nights = 2)
5. Do you use your electronic cigarette now because it is really hard to quit? ♦
(Scoring: Yes = 1, No = 0)
6. Do you ever have strong cravings to use your electronic cigarette? ♦
(Scoring: Yes = 1, No = 0)
7. Over the past week, how strong have the urges to use your electronic cigarette been? ●
(Scoring: None/Slight = 0, Moderate/Strong= 1, Very Strong/Extremely Strong = 2)
8. Is it hard to keep from using your electronic cigarette in places where you are not supposed to? ♦
(Scoring: Yes = 1, No = 0)
When you haven’t used an electronic cigarette for a while or when you tried to stop using.…
9. Did you feel more irritable because you couldn’t use your electronic cigarette? ♦
(Scoring: Yes = 1, No = 0)
10. Did you feel nervous, restless, or anxious because you couldn’t use your electronic cigarette? ♦
(Scoring: Yes = 1, No = 0)
mean score for 3609 vapers = 8.1/20 mean score for the same people applying the same questions to their prior smoking = 14.5/20
(and yes I am aware that experienced vapers don't vape in 10 minute sessions like they smoked, but cigalike users don't know how much liquid they use so there is no perfect question and this one facilitates comparisons with smoking)
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