Suppliers Wanted!!!

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Attention suppliers...

We are currently in the process of building an online superstore and are looking for a supplier or two (or three?) that would like to enter into an agreement to have your products listed and sold on our site in the smoking alternatives section. We first began working on an ecig site, but conversations and ideas progressed in the process to changing tto a new business plan and we will not be selling as an electronic cigarette supplier.

The basics of my store are as follows although not yet set in stone.
We have a very small markup on products we sell and we do our best to keep our prices the exact same as any suppliers. Many companies have affiliate programs, including some of you with 15 to 30% payouts. Our site is different in that rather than point to the supplier and wait for commissions to be paid, we make the sale and turn around and pay you and you ship. (dropship) We have no interest in affiliates anymore as it is like pulling teeth to get paid for marketing efforts from months earlier. There is a certain supplier that has exploded through affiliate marketing and could not fulfill orders for 4 to 6 weeks that has still not paid for the many sales they obtained under my affiliate. I won't say any names but we all probably know who that is. ;)

This way we make our small commission right away and you get your sales. We are not looking for any type of branding and will promote your brand, logos and sites in the proper categories and listings. We do not have any labeling or any blind shipping requirements, so you can obtain new customers and advertising, as well as repeat business. We also will not be a registered supplier on the forum here, so there are no worries about competing for the same customers.

Our store also has a "paid membership" option for customers, which I will not divulge any information at this point, but my focus is to obtain paid members and not so much to profit much on sales.

We only want a supplier or 2, and we want a reliable supplier that is willing to keep in communication with us for shipment tracking, stock levels and changes in pricing. With the right arrangment we may even be willing to have an "exclusive" supplier. We also need to be sure a supplier will keep on top of warranty issues. This is an opportunity for a significant increase in sales for the right supplier. Dropshipping is HUGE business in the USA, and can be very lucrative.

If any of you have any interest and any thoughts about this program PM me and we can discuss further details. This site will also be a supporting member of ECO (assuming it goes) and will be donating a portion of each sale to ECO.
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