Summer liquid sale

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 27, 2009
Bishop, California, United States
Hi Guys!

It's the first weekend of summer sale. After reading some thoughts on losing the idea of what's behind Memorial Day, I decided to skip the sale we usually run every year. Without going into politics or opinions that may offend, I figured it would be better to run one later. I hope you all had a good Memorial Day with family and friends, and paid homage in your own way to those that have given their lives for us.

Going to do something different this time. Instead of a blanket deduction we're dropping the price of 10ml e-liquids. This sale will be active from Friday through Sunday night, no coupon code required. $2.50 per bottle, more than 30% off the previous 3.99 price.

There are no restrictions for how many you can purchase. However, I encourage you to use this opportunity to try some new flavors you might not otherwise try. Instead of grabbing up 45 bottles of one flavor, leave some for others and try some new flavors. We've got tons of different flavors in 10ml, over 60 at last count. Expand your horizons with some new tobaccos, sweets and menthols!

If any flavors are out of stock with your order, I'll do my best to provide a suitable substitute. Most likely, a duplicate of another flavor you've ordered. (Ordered 4 flavor X and 2 flavor Y, only 1 flavor Y in stock, I'll probably ship you 5 flavor Xs and a Y). :)

Please note, the orders placed for this sale may ship late in the week. I'm down at the VA hospital to take care of some more medical stuff. Depending on the outcome I may be hospitalized for a short time. I'm hoping for a quick solution and a short visit with family down south.

Overall game plan is to return Sunday for Monday shipping. Of course, with the VA, that's all up to them, and predicting it is an act of futility. We'll just have to see what happens. It's a necessary trip to deal with a recurring issue from my trips to the sandbox in the first gulf war.

Happy Summer!


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Nov 16, 2008
I was informed today that Dave has been in the hospital for the last few days and will most likely be there through most of the week but is responding very well to treatment.

He has asked to let everyone know that orders will still be process (albeit late) with apologies for any inconveniences any of you may experience and that his "weekend sale" will continue until he returns shortly.

We hope to see Dave back here real soon!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 27, 2009
Bishop, California, United States
Hi Everyone,

I'm back and apologize for how long it took. Big thanks for updating the thread while I was in the hospital Misty, no access from the bed. Hospitalized much longer than anticipated.

I'll leave the sale going until tomorrow morning, and started packing up orders this morning. I'll be able to get a good number of them out today, the rest tomorrow morning.

Just so it doesn't look like I took a vacation, a quick idea of what was going on.

Had (have) a DVT that partially broke loose and went through my heart into the lung causing a PE. Layman's terms, I had (have) a large blood clot in my leg that broke a piece off and went through my heart into my lung, causing a pulmonary embolism. According to the doctors, it could have been fatal if I was older or suffered other health issues. Very lucky I went down when I did.

Anyway, back and getting these orders out. If you haven't taken advantage the sale will keep going until tomorrow morning when the orders go out.

Thank you for your patronage and understanding.
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