Suggestion needed for flavor oriented portable set up

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Full Member
Jan 23, 2015
I've been on a very basic non variable eGo set up with a T2 clearomizer till now as I'm relatively new to vaping and wasn't sure if I would be in it for the long haul.

Looking to move up, I've got myself a SmokTech ARO Winder VV/VW battery and an iStick 50w is on order as well. My conundrum is I do not know what sort of tank/tanks I should choose for these two devices.

My main criteria isnt vapor production. I want the best possible flavor from my juices. I intend pairing a Kanger Subtank or a Lemo 2 with my iStick 50w but I want something a lot slimmer for my ego style battery. The slim tank should give me good flavor. If this is the criteria, what would be a good tank to pair with the SmokTech ARO Winder?


Full Member
Jan 23, 2015
Yes, I understand that, djsvapour. I know anything paired with the Smok Winder would be inferior to a subtank but was hoping somebody could help me choose a good tank (rebuildable deck, if possible) to pair with the SmokTech ARO Winder.

Edit: Somehow missed the Protank part of your comment. Thanks. Took a look at that and rebuilding one of those seems like a pain lol
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Full Member
Jan 29, 2013
New Jersey, USA
Unless I'm mistaken, anything that looks decent on the aro will be pretty slim, and anything that small will have a really small deck to build on. I still keep a few tanks around with my old ego type batteries for flavor variety ( not really into dripping multiple flavors onto the same cotton). Anyway, I am pretty impressed by the flavor and vapor I get out of the little mini pro tank 3's and the mini aero tank. You can grab them cheap at fast tech. They all use kanger dual coils. I haven't had luck with the coils from fast tech, but I can get a 5 pack at the local B&M for $8.
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