sugg. for flavor samplers and instructions

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Jan 25, 2010
i have a silver bullet on the way, and the only liquid they had was tobacco, and i have never filled my own carts, or dripped for that matter. would like try some flavors other than tobacco, can anyone recommend some good sampler packs? do they come mixed already or do they come in different nic strengths??


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2009
diyflavorshack has premixed as well as DiY kits. Almost every supplier on here sells premixed liquids ranging from 0nic up to 28mg nic. You can mix it yourself adding your own flavoring, etc. or just buy premixed juice. tasyvapor, mrs. t's, and flavorshack are just a few. I would check out the reviews section and jsut go from there.


Full Member
Jan 14, 2010
Podunk, USA
Hiya Six!

Let me preface this by saying that I smoked 1-1.5 packs/day of Marlboro Red 100's for 21 years. This is such a personal preference question, expect to get a lot of varied responses.

I found that for the first week or so after picking up a PV that I stuck to a mild tobacco flavor (Marlbro.) I tried a couple of the flavors I'd ordered, but I couldn't really taste them all that well; Marlbro was at least familiar. Not straying far I think helped me stay away from the coffin nails.

After my sense of taste started to come back, I was able to appreciate the spectrum of flavors much more. I still wander back to Marlbro, but not quite as much.

I'm particularly fond of 555 (nutty) and RY4 (caramel.) My absolute favorite is a DIY mix of LorAnn's Butter Rum. I tend to hang around 16-18mg. All of my e-liquids are Holy Smoke! from Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

So. Here's a list of what I've tried and what appealed to me.

-HS! Chocolate - I like it, my wife loves it. Reminds me alot of hot chocolate.
-HS! Marlbro - Something like a cowboy killer in Medium taste.
-HS! Coffee - A little harsh on my throat, I did get a good black coffee feel.
-HS! Vanilla - not quite as strong a vanilla as I'd like, but passable.
-HS! 555 - a nutty and smooth tobacco flavor. I love it.
-HS! RY4 - a strong caramel. I love it.

(HS! 54mg unflavored mixed down to 16mg, LorAnn's flavorings)
-Butter Rum - I'm a huge butterscotch/butter rum freak. I can't get enough
-Orange Cream - a lot like inhaling a dreamsicle. More pleasant than it sounds, really
-Banana Cream - I'm not really a fan, my wife likes to mix it with HS! Chocolate
-Creme de Menthe - I wasn't really a fan of menthols during my analog days, but this is a nice and smooth mint, really opened breathing, refreshing
-Maple - Sweet Jesus. It's like huffing fresh syrup. Mix with a little vanilla and butter rum, and you've got breakfast.
-Chocolate Hazlenut - Not bad. I've been meaning to cut HS! Coffee with this
-Amaretto - Not as good as I'd hoped. It tasted like medicine. Almond medicine.

Long story short, I'd recommend samples of:

555, RY4, maybe Hilton (another tobacco flavor, but seemingly wide appeal), then depending on tastes, Chocolate and a fruit or two. Apple and Grape seem to be popular choices where Cherry has quite a few reports of having a cough-syrup taste to it.

Most importantly though, remember that your taste will fluctuate wildly for the first couple of weeks to a month. What might have been crappy the first week could turn out to be a go-to vape later.

Good luck!



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Jan 25, 2010
thanks so much for the detail, its just what i needed, when i bought the bullet, there were only two options for liquid, so i just got one of each. if the 18mg is to high, but i like the flavor, what do i do, dilute it, how do i do that? im going to check out your suggestions, the chocolate and the caramel sound right up my alley, and for the cancer stick craving, ill try the marlbro. so basically, you can either buy premixed flavor with nic, or you can buy the nic seperate and they pick "loranne?" flavoring and mix it? sounds complicated to get the nic amount right, i think i ll try the premix first, then if im feeling mad scientist i will give the diy a try. thanks so much, if you score on any other flavors you like, let me know!
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