Sub-ohm and latest VV/VW devices

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My thoughts about sub-ohm and latest VV/VW devices...

I came back to and reread this awesome post by @rusirius. Theres no need to read all 33 pages of the thread, just the first post. It's a bit of a read but he describes how high powered VW/VV devices free us from having to build very low resistance coils to achieve high power levels.

Apart from giving this highly pertinent topic a bump, I have a question:

If you accept OPs reasoning, why do all sub-ohm tank systems on the market follow the path of low resistance being directly analogous with high power in the recommended wattage ranges for their coils?


Sub Tank Mini
1.2 Ohms ~ 12-25 Watts
0.5 Ohms ~15-30 Watts

0.2 Ohms 40-130 Watts

Is this down to a lack of understanding on the manufacturers part. Did OP get the whole concept wrong? Or is there some other factor/s at play here that I'm not understanding


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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
My personal feeling is that this is just a "trend" that cycles through the evolution of most technology.

Manufacturers are making regulated mods with more and more power to outdo their competitors. Why? How else are they supposed to keep up or stand out from the crowd? We can't think of any other "features" to add to our product, so let's give them more power, whether they really need it or not. They won't actually make them more durable because we have grown accustomed to a disposable society, and a mod which will last years doesn't bring money back to the manufacturer unless you cater to a niche of the industry (Provape).

Current trend is high wattage vaping and low resistance coils. Doesn't mean it is the most popular, the safest, or the "best" way to vape. It just is what it is. Currently the trend in regulated mods is for more and more wattage. At what point is XX wattage "enough"? Before long we'll be holding miniture flamethrowers in our hands (well, I won't). At some point we must reach a point of diminishing returns.

I can't understand why anyone needs to build coils less than 0.5 ohms with a mechanical mod or less than 1.5 ohm with a regulated mod. I don't understand why anyone needs to vape with 60 watts of power, let alone 200 watts. Sometimes "more" is not better.

But that's just me. o_O
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Mar 29, 2014
Hull, England
I have to agree with baditude that it just seems to be the trend right now that high wattage = best. I've never bought into that myself infact I always look to make a build that uses the lowest wattage possible to get the type of vape I want. Right now i'm using a single 3 strand 28 gauge parallel coil wrapped 6 times round a 3mm drill bit (so thats 18 wrapps total). That gives me massive surface area and so I get great flavor and vapor production at around 40 watts.

Alien Traveler

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Jul 3, 2014
United States
Reading what I posted, I answered my own question. There is a mindset in place that low resistance means big vapor, the manufacturers are merely catering to this, the same as increasingly higher power outputs.
Not exactly. For really high power I think we still need low ohms.

Suppose we want to vape at 200 W (sounds terrible to me, but anyway...).
Then if we use 0.2 ohm coil we need to apply to it 6.3 V (pretty easy).
If we use 2 ohm coil, we need 20 V. When 20 V is applied to wet mouth (short or something)... And it may be a bit tough on a converter (but do not know for sure).


Super Member
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Mar 29, 2014
Hull, England
Not exactly. For really high power I think we still need low ohms.

Suppose we want to vape at 200 W (sounds terrible to me, but anyway...).
Then if we use 0.2 ohm coil we need to apply to it 6.3 V (pretty easy).
If we use 2 ohm coil, we need 20 V. When 20 V is applied to wet mouth (short or something)... And it may be a bit tough on a converter (but do not know for sure).

I can't argue with you math but I think the point sonicbomb was making was that the overall trend right now is that you need high watts and/or low resistance to produce good flavor and/or good vapor production which probably in the case of 90% of vapers just isn't true.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 29, 2014
Hull, England
People do what they want to do. I have Provaris with Kayfuns and a Dark Horse running 60 watts. Who can say anyone is wrong about what they like to do? I love the feedom of it all, I hope it lasts.
I 100% agree with this. we're all vapers yes some like to stick to one side of the niche thats up to them. There's only one thing I will say.

Whatever style, type or niche you choose to be in or all of them. Be safe, Be informed and Be happy!
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Everyone has their own style. I find I can get that "instant" hit without going power crazy. I *personally* think it's a waste of battery. If I build a spiral coil 28g at 5-6 wraps and toss it into anything I have I can very comfortable vape "instantly" at 15w it's a cool vape but it works well. I prefer a warmer vape so I hit 30w and draw quickly. I have the same general setup in my Aromamizer with a duel build at 0.7ohms and it's amazing for flavor sensation.
I use the Kangertech Kbox pretty much as my goto box. It works great as a starter box and, for me, it works great as just a pretty much all the time box. I almost never do fancy builds as I do not show what's under the hood. I just vape. 28g has been my pal. I've done 22 all the way to 30 and I find my sweet spot is DEFINITELY 28g 5-6 wrapped spiral coils (spaced) I don't care for tight snug wraps. I want space between those loops :)


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Feb 11, 2010
Sycamore, IL
I am out visiting my Mom in the country so I only have my cell phone ATM and a desktop with no camera. I will explain it here, if you still wants pictures just let me know and I will try to get them in here.

Way 1 - do a parallel build with two separate pieces of the same gauge wire 28g in this instance. Then remove one of the two pieces of kanthal. It will leave the spaces perfect as long as you uncoil the one wire cleanly and carefully

Way 2 - Take a small screw and wrap the kanthal between the threads and it will leave the coil spaced, just make sure to keep the wraps tight, you can then "unscrew" the kanthal from the screw and insert it onto a small screwdriver to install into your atomizer deck.

Way 3 - (The way I do it at this point) I eyeball my wraps at about 1mm or slightly less in space between each wrap. And after I get my final wrap I take my thumb nail and my index finger nail and push the coil back against the base of the tiny screw driver I am using to clean up the coils a bit, then flip it around on the screw driver and do the same a second time. After I install I just lightly pulse the coils until the glow from the center out. I don't "strum" or do anything strange that some folks do. I just break in the coil with slow burns until it's ready. I find it unnecessary to tweak this build much. It's easy to wick, it wicks well, it vapes well. It's my *personal* flavor build of choice and it truly does produce both in flavor and respectable vapor, if that is your thing.
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