Study Demonstrates NJOY Electronic Cigarette Inhalants Do Not Contain Carcinogenic TSNAs

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Dec 29, 2009
Study Demonstrates njoy Electronic Cigarette Inhalants Do Not Contain Carcinogenic TSNAs
njoy Offers Smokers Cost Savings, Fewer Problems
Scottsdale, AZ (Jan. 13) – njoy, the world’s leading electronic cigarette brand, has completed a scientific analysis that has determined that “there is no evidence that carcinogenic TSNAs are present in the aerosol” of its brand of electronic cigarette products.

These results address concerns raised by the FDA and others about product ingredients, safety and health risks, and specifically, found that there is no carcinogenic risk from TSNAs – tobacco specific nitrosamines – in the vapor inhaled by NJOY product users or non-users who may be exposed to the constituents passively.

“In July the FDA released study information about the constituents of our electronic cigarettes that may have inadvertently misled the media and consumers about their health risks,” said Jack Leadbeater, CEO of NJOY. “The FDA analysis evaluated only the contents of the cartridges used with our products, and not the constituents of the aerosol or vapor to which users are actually exposed or the potential health risk, if any, that may be posed by that exposure.”

The FDA study reported the presence of four TSNAs – N-nitrosonornicotine (NNN), N-nitrosoanabasine (NAB), N-nitrosoanatabine (NAT) and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butaone (NNK) – in NJOY cartridges at levels so minute they were not quantifiable, not dissimilar from science that has found low quantities of TSNAs in other FDA-approved products.

Of the four TSNAs noted by the FDA study, only NAT has been shown through published scientific studies to be non-toxic and non-carcinogenic, and only NAT was found in the NJOY vapor and only at trace levels. None of the other three TSNAs were present in the vapor.

“Based on my review of scientific literature, NAT is not toxic and not carcinogenic, and based on the vapor analysis, it is my conclusion that TSNAs do not pose a health risk to the users of the electronic cigarettes distributed by NJOY,” said Ben Thomas, Ph.D., a well-respected consultant with 35 years experience in toxicology, pathology, and risk mitigation who conducted the analysis in conjunction with premier independent consulting laboratory ANALYZE.

This study and others conducted by NJOY also reveal that FDA-approved products offering nicotine, such as inhalers, gum and patches, contain TSNAs, but likewise at trace levels. To date FDA has not required manufacturers of these other nicotine-containing products to reference the presence of TSNAs in their product labeling.

“We realize smoking is a target, and so the notion of electronic cigarettes can rub some agendas the wrong way. But, we also realize that smokers desire options,” said Leadbeater, CEO of NJOY. “Our product provides smokers a way to partake in an activity they enjoy, but without acrid odors, fire hazards and excessive cost, and now with some scientific clarity.”

Thomas noted that ANALYZE conducted the study “using a method based on that used by the FDA” and that the studies “were technically appropriate and appear to have been well done.”

Thomas has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in biology from Tulane University, and Master’s of Science and Ph.D. degrees in pathology from the University of Texas Health Science Center where he is currently an adjunct professor of toxicology/risk assessment in addition to being president of the Ben Thomas Group. He has been published or presented nearly 60 times, chaired six task toxicology task forces, has provided expert testimony for numerous cases, and was a senior managing scientist at Exponent among other positions.

Since the introduction of NJOY, acceptance among smokers has been excellent and more than 300,000 committed smokers in 50 countries have begun using its products. NJOY is a smoking alternative that offers committed smokers who are of legal age the chance to smoke with many of the satisfactions of traditional smoking and without many of the inconveniences.
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Study Demonstrates NJOY Electronic Cigarette Inhalants Do Not Contain Carcinogenic TSNAs
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