Stories of the Paranormal

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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
East Texas
Pffft...I'm guessing I'm reading too much into it. With my mom, it's hard to say. When you're not there, you can just go on what you get told. And knowing's just hard to say. LOL

When we went camping again this past weekend, I did keep a check on my contact case. HA! The sucker never moved a bit from the shelf where I keep it.


I was gonna blame Jibba73 ... but that's just the kind of son-of-a-gun that I am. LOL!



Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
East Texas
HEY NOW! TT, only my wife can blame me for things... and she's durn good at it!

LOL, I think they are schooled in "blaming" from inception.

We're at an RV Park in Deming, New Mexico and last night my wife went out to my pick-up and left the keys on the hood near the radio antenna. Today, we were going to rent some movies and I had to use her set of keys as we couldn't find mine. As we were going down the road the wind suddenly blew my keys against the windshield and I pulled over and got them. One key had stuck in the crack between the hood and fender - that was all that kept them from falling off the side of the truck and being gone forever.

I asked her how my keys got on the hood and she said (I swear!!) "well, its your fault. Didn't you see them there?"

What can a guy do?



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May 4, 2012
Selah, Washington
I love this Thread, this is Just up my Alley..

Call me Crazy but this is what I have experienced..

All my life I have been able to “sense” energy from the other side.

4 Years ago My wife and I bought our house.. We were the Second Owners of the place and it was only 7 years old when we bought it.

After we moved in and got everything in its place, it felt like home. With One Difference, it always had a ‘”Good Energy” feeling. After about 3 months of living their little things started happening. Quick Shadow’s, things not being in its place, and the feeling of someone looking at you. I could since it but did not say anything at the time.

We have 2 jack Russells, Bailey & Sarah.. My wife was really concerned with the behavior of the Dogs, she said to me, “Do they seem to be Different”, I said: “what do you mean”. She said: “They are not as active as they use to be, they seem tired all the time”.. I noticed it so I took them to the Vet to have them Checked out. They both got a Clean Bill of Health.
After taking the Dog’s to the Vet I asked my Wife, “Do strange things happen to you in this House” She said YES, But I thought it was all in my mind”. So we talked about what had happen and shared our experiences.

In May 2010 we had some friends over for dinner. After dinner I let the Dogs outside and Bailey was just acting very Strange. She Ran back into the House and Just kept running Up and Down Stairs. She was Running after Something, She was not Barking but Whining Very Loud. She Ran up the Stairs and came to a dead stop in the Dining Room, She was looking at something, her head was moving as if she was following something, then she Sat Up and put her front Paws up like she was Pawing at something. After this happened 3 of the 5 people that were their saw a Apparition of a little Girl that walked from the dining room and walked down the stairs. I saw it but my Wife did not. Myself, Lynn and Trevor all saw this.. It freaked out Trevor since he was a Teenage, but Lynn and I followed it downstairs.. It turned looked at us and then it was Gone. That night my Wife and I experienced a Cold breeze walking up the stairs..

Whatever was in the House Did not Scare us, it was a Peaceful Feeling. We would be downstairs in the family room and hear Foot Steps in the Kitchen, and Bailey would run up and see “Her Friend”. Bailey would be on our laps and Just Jump Down and start wagging her tail, sitting up, and Playing with her Friend.. Our other Jack Russell Sarah showed little interest in whatever Bailey was seeing..

While watching TV downstairs in the Family Room, I could see a Shadow standing at the right of me, it was Happy and trying to get my Attention, and I heard the Name “Amanda”. I did some research on the Area where my House was built, and found out that it was built on an Old Apple Orchard. I did find an article on a little Girl that had Drown while playing with her Dog on Yakima Ave. My House was built on the Corner of 10th and Yakima Ave..

This is what I have come up with, the sprite of Amanda attached herself to Our Dogs, and was Playing with them while we are at work and would explain why they Seemed Tired when we got home..

On July 22nd 2011, I got home from work walked into the House from the Garage and I could feel a Strong sense of the Sprite Amanda in the house. The Dogs were acting very excited. I let them outside they came in and demanded their Snack, and off they went Running through the house Playing with Amanda, I thought it was pretty Cool that Sarah was getting involved because she really showed no interest in it up till that point.. Well that’s when it happened.. I was walking around in the Kitchen and Sarah got Freaked OUT. She was running as if someone was chasing her, she caught me off guard Ran Through my Legs, I lost Balance and Fell Straight down on my .... and got a Lumbar Compression Fracture. Two Surgery’s later and to this day I’m still recovering form that fall.

To this Day Amanda still plays with the Dog’s and Sarah gets involved but it is mainly Bailey who is the one that she plays with the Most.. When things get a little out of hand, all we Say is, “Amanda the Dogs need to Rest” and it stops . Things do just show up in Places that are not normal and we hear Foot Steps in the Kitchen the Bathroom door closing and sometimes here a knocking sound and an occasional cool breeze, as to seeing an Apparition it only happened that one time..

I could write a whole book about “Sharing my House with a Sprite we call Amanda”, Many things have happen and still do happen to this day.. It has just become a part of the Everyday living in our house. We are not afraid of the Sprite she is just their..

That’s my Story and I’m sticking to it….



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May 4, 2012
Selah, Washington
33922_1694972616825_1313116762_1764224_8001960_n.jpg 37180_1694972456821_1578707_n.jpg 72733_1693039968510_7064115_n.jpg Bailey.jpg 28649_1505772126931_779846_n.jpg

Here are some Pic.'s I found of Bailey Looking at her Friend.. The Last Pic. is of Bailey & Sarah.. Can you believe they are Mother & Daughter....:)

Pic. #1) Bailey Looking at her friend..
Pic. #2) In this Pic of Bailey She is a Little Scared and is Cowering down.
Pic. #3) In this Picture Bailey is in the UpStairs Living Room.. She is very Cautious while looking at her "Ghost"
Pic. #4) Bailey in the Family Room on the Couch looking at her "Ghost" Softly Barking.
Pic. #5) Bailey & Sarah.. (Mother & Daughter.. Bailey is the Mom)


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May 4, 2012
Selah, Washington
OMG That's so Precious ! Keep taking pictures like that and one day Amanda will be in one of them. It'll surprise the heck out of you ! :laugh:

I have some that have really Bright Orb's in them, I will have to search around on some of my Flash Drives to find them.. At first we use to Snap Pic.'s all the Time, Now its just become a Part of Everyday living..:)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2011
Dat Way →
I have some that have really Bright Orb's in them, I will have to search around on some of my Flash Drives to find them.. At first we use to Snap Pic.'s all the Time, Now its just become a Part of Everyday living..:)
Tell her you'd like to have a pic of her and the dogs :) She may just appear as a full body apparition instead of an orb ball in the photo. Then leave it out so she can enjoy the pic too :D She'd be happy you included her in that way


Alis volat propriis
ECF Veteran
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Jul 29, 2011
Behind the Rainbow
I have had several experiences and am a firm believer in some type of afterlife….

My first experience…..

As a very little girl I loved my granddaddy best in the world. He would take me places with him and taught me to write my name. If he was sittin’, I was in his lap! My mother was surprised at our closeness because her relationship with him had always been quite difficult. When I was five he died. They didn’t take me to the funeral for fear that it might have some serious mental consequences for me. I continued to spend time at my grandparents house, visiting for a week or two with my grandmother and nothing ever seemed odd, until...

When I was twelve, my aunt took me to see a psychic that she frequented. She and I spent most of the time talking about my grandfather. My grandmother didn’t have much to say about my visit, just sort of tsk-tsk’d.

That night, some time in the middle of the night, I awoke to a loud knocking on the wall, right beside the bedroom door. It was short, rapid knocks, like someone would make on a door. As I was sitting there looking in that direction I began seeing little sparkles of light on the wall, and they moved! They continued to move until they somewhat condensed to form a familiar shape: linear with a rounded top…. like a human. I remember being enthralled and just staring at it. I didn’t feel fear, but wonder.

I guess at some point I felt I had to share because I called for my grandmama whose bedroom was right across the hall. She was there in a moment and the sparkles were gone. I told her what had happened and she said the noise was probably squirrels in the attic. When I told her about the sparkling light she said it was just the street light outside. We both went back to sleep.

The next day I was playing outside when I thought about what she said. Curious, I went to see if the streetlight could have shone in my window and found that it couldn’t have…..because there was no streetlight anywhere near her house. No streetlight, no security light on her house or the neighbors. When I went in for dinner I remember saying something like, “You know, there isn’t any street lights outside my bedroom window”….. and she just looked at me, and I KNEW that she knew my grandfather, or else his mother (who had died in that bedroom shortly before granddaddy died in the sitting room) had likely been in my room the night before….

I never had another experience like that there, although my mother did.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
East Texas
Wow guys, that's some fantastic and interesting information.

I find it nice, if you read through all the other stories, that there can be common threads or incidents such as a spirit in the house that doesn't cause fear, visits from deceased relatives, spirits that will stop doing something when told to and much more. To me, the fact that the same type of thing can happen to many people only serves to validate the existence of these spirits.

Jibba is the expert here and I can't wait to read his comments, but until then, thanks for sharing this information with us.



Alis volat propriis
ECF Veteran
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Jul 29, 2011
Behind the Rainbow
Wow guys, that's some fantastic and interesting information.

I find it nice, if you read through all the other stories, that there can be common threads or incidents such as a spirit in the house that doesn't cause fear, visits from deceased relatives, spirits that will stop doing something when told to and much more. To me, the fact that the same type of thing can happen to many people only serves to validate the existence of these spirits.

Jibba is the expert here and I can't wait to read his comments, but until then, thanks for sharing this information with us.


Then you are going to like what I have to post next. These are the total of my/family experiences, although I do "dream" a lot and wonder about some of those dreams... Okay - here we go...


Alis volat propriis
ECF Veteran
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Jul 29, 2011
Behind the Rainbow
My mother…..

Remember I told you that my mother did not get along with her father. He had been in a sanitorium with TB until she was four or so and she was used to being a pet, not being reprimanded and given rules to follow by a man she didn’t know. There was always strain and contention in their relationship. A few years after my grandfather died, mother decided the hallway bath at my grand-parents house should be painted. She was in there painting along and had a radio sitting on top of a step ladder in the doorway. Just as she got herself in a groove the radio turned off. She figured a fuse had blown, but no, the dial switch had turned all the way off. Not just down, OFF! She thought maybe my grandmother didn’t like the music and had turned it off so she called to her…. No reply.

She turned the radio back on and started painting again when once more, click, the radio shut off. Getting irritated now, she called, “Mother, I’m listening to that!” Once again, no reply. This time she moved the ladder from the doorway and went to let grandmother know not to turn the radio off. She found her on the other end of the house in the kitchen…. Grandmother hadn’t even heard the radio and had not been back in the hallway… Mother told me she went back to the bathroom and addressed his presence, giving him what for and telling him to leave the %#&@ radio alone! He did.


Alis volat propriis
ECF Veteran
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Jul 29, 2011
Behind the Rainbow
This is a sad tale about the afterlife….

From elementary through high school, I loved a little boy who lived up on the next street. There were birthday parties, valentine’s parties at school, various opportunities to show my affection, and he always got the nicest present and the biggest valentine from me.

He was also our paper-boy so I got to see him every day. Oh joy!

In my early teens my mother was very sick so I was sent to boarding school. When I returned from school, one of the first things I did was to go see him. He had changed some but we quickly caught up and were like two peas in a pod. But then things began to get serious, much more serious that I was comfortable with. Our relationship sort of fizzled and we both found other people to date.

A year passed with neither of us setting eyes on the other.

And then one sunny morning in mid-July, my mother came to wake me with devastating news. Monty was dead. He had been horribly injured in a car accident and died several hours later.

I don’t remember much about the next few days. After the burial I found it almost impossible to leave, remaining there long after everyone else had gone. I wanted to scream. I wanted to wail. I wanted for him to be alive again.

That night began a series of “dreams” that were to occur for the next three or four nights.
Each night I would dream that I was at the cemetery and Monty and I were strolling through the dark, talking all the while. The headstones shone like unwelcome reminders of what this was about. And there were a few others, doing the same as us, visiting as they ambled along paths to nowhere.

The final dream we shared began like the previous but came with a sad twist. After we had walked for some time Monty told me this was our last visit, he couldn’t come back. There was some place he had to go and he couldn’t come see me anymore.

The next night as I fell asleep I wondered if I would see him, but he was gone.

I have always felt that he was allowed to spend time with me in an effort to comfort me, to make me be okay with his being gone. And I am okay. I know he still exists… somewhere.


Alis volat propriis
ECF Veteran
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Jul 29, 2011
Behind the Rainbow
The man in the blue shirt

I spend a lot of time in our backyard, gardening and sunning, reading and swimming. One afternoon as I neared the sliding door to go inside I saw a reflection of a man in a long-sleeved blue shirt, behind me, running across my backyard. Taken aback, I turned to look. No scrambling to climb the privacy fence, no noise of any kind. No man in a blue shirt either. I’ve always wondered who he was and why he was running…


Alis volat propriis
ECF Veteran
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Jul 29, 2011
Behind the Rainbow
Finally, the last experience I have had. Bored yet? This is a letter I wrote to my cousin after the death of her mother. I have edited names to just show relationships.

Dear Cousin,

I was talking with sister yesterday morning and she thought I should write you and let you know of something that happened about a month ago.

On a Saturday afternoon I was tired and lay down to take a nap. I slept very deeply and while asleep I had a visit with your Mother and Grandmama. In my dream, my husband and I were living in a house that had a long screened back porch and your Mother and Grandmama had come to stay with us for awhile.

It was strange that all of our beds were in the living area - all in a row leading to french doors that opened to that long, screened porch. Although in my dream our visit seemed to last for 2-3 days, Grandmama always remained on the back porch, never entering the house. I could see her through the kitchen window but don't remember us doing anything other than looking and smiling at each other.

It was your mother who traveled back and forth from the porch to inside of the house where I remained. Thinking back about this it makes me wonder if your Mama was able to communicate with/go to Grandmama because she was getting ready to join her -- had a strong connection with her. We visited and we talked. We drank wine, your Mother and I having full glasses and Grandmama sipping on a tiny glass halfway filled, just like she used to do. I poured Grandmama's glass, but it was your Mother who delivered it to her on the porch. Your Mother returned inside to where I stood in the kitchen and suggested we have another big full glass ourselves.

And there we stood, laughing and talking. We talked about my Mama and how we both missed her so. We talked about Grandmama who had been ill but was now well. Your Mama told me she was very sick and would die soon. She did not seem afraid as she told me, just matter of fact, and I remember feeling upset yet somehow okay with it because of the look on her face as she told me. I told her I loved her and we said our goodbyes. We continued to stand there, sipping on our wine and talking and then it came to me that wherever she was going, she was going there with Grandmama. They were going to leave together. I have since thought that maybe grandmama had been visiting your mother to prepare her or to reassure her.

When I awoke I told my husband about my "dream", but that it hadn't really "felt" like a dream, that I truly thought I had an actual visit with your Mother. I don't know, but it feels like my mind was strangely connected somehow. Your mother was there, in my head. Could it have been just a dream or wishful thinking that somehow wormed its way out of my subconcious? Maybe, but it just doesn't feel like that. Who can say? All I know is that it felt really "real", and ever since that "dream", I have felt like I was given the opportunity to say goodbye to your Mama and have had a peaceful feeling about her leaving.

I hope this note allows you to find some of the same comfort it has given me to experience it and write to you about it.
My love and thoughts are with you all because I know what you are going through. Even when you know your Mama no longer feels the pain of an earthly existence, even when you know she is in a joyous place, it does not stop you from missing her. But you can rest assured that she is with Grandmama. I feel sure of it.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2010
East Texas
Those are fascinating reports Sundrinkr.

Your speaking of grandmothers reminded me of when I was a very young child at my grandmothers place. This was in the early 1940's and although I was young I remember it clearly.

Relatives and family friends would choose a room in her house and cover all windows in the room - both inside and out. The door into the room was also covered on both sides and late at night everyone would assemble in the room and stuff towels at the bottom of the door to prevent light from entering the room. Then someone on the outside of the room would turn off all lights in the house.

I can remember then that someone would say "okay grandma, make it happen on the ceiling in the very center." And a tiny white-blue light would appear where instructed. Then someone else would ask her to make it happen in another part of the room and the first tiny light would disappear and another would appear where they had asked.

I can remember the excitement in the room and the hushed voices talking about what it was they were seeing. Grandma was watched by some to make certain she didn't have some kind of a light she was shining. During these events she would never say a word.

I don't know ... there are so many explanations for something like this, mass hypnosis and others. But this was a simple country woman and if she had any education at all, it certainly wasn't much out in the south-west corner of New Mexico. But she could read her Bible and I know she could write, so she did have some education but I can assure you she didn't know anything about hypnosis or anything like it.

She couldn't explain how she could make that tiny light appear and said she had discovered that ability when she was very young.

Supernatural ... I don't know ...

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