Stealth vaping is so much easier than stealth smoking

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Hello everyone. I’ve been lurking for a couple of weeks, but every now and then I feel the urge to reply to a post. So I registered the other day and this is my obligatory introductory post. Once I have five posts, I can go back to mostly lurking again, with an occasional comment here and there.

I started smoking in college umpety-ump years ago, so I’ve been smoking for a long time. I used to smoke about 15 or so a day; a carton would last me two weeks. About 10 years ago I tried to quit using nicotine patches. I went through the whole protocol, stepping down the dosage as I was supposed to, but it just didn’t work. All I could think about was having a cigarette. The problem was that my family thought I’d quit and I didn’t let them know that I started up again. Instead, I became a stealth smoker. I’d smoke in the bathroom or the laundry room or downstairs in the computer room when everyone else was upstairs. It helped that my husband has a sinus problem and doesn’t smell too well—even I could smell the tobacco smoke sometimes! But even with the sneaking around, I still managed about 12-15 cigs a day.

About 4 years ago, I tried the gum. I’d substitute the gum for a few cigs here and there and started buying my cigs by the pack instead of the carton—because each one was going to be my last. When we went on vacation I wouldn’t bring any cigs with me, just the gum, but by the end of the week my jaw would ache from chewing and I’d be going crazy so I found somewhere to buy and smoke some cigarettes. A year ago, they raised the taxes in my state so that cigarettes cost nearly $9 a pack. I managed to keep my consumption to half a pack a day, but still couldn’t get rid of them entirely. And I was still supplementing them with gum, so now I had two habits (for the price of five).

Around the beginning of December I read a post on a different forum about e-cigs, so I did some research on them. The post included a link to this forum, and I was off and running. I figured out what kind of setup I wanted, checked out a few vendors to find the best price, and ordered my starter kit. I figured I’d start on New Year’s Day, but the kit arrived really fast and I couldn’t wait to start, so I started a few days before Christmas. I had an almost full pack of cigs left—they lasted me a week, as I would have one in the morning and maybe one in the afternoon, and the rest of the time I vaped.

From reading the posts on here, I realized that my learning curve was practically non-existent. I didn’t need to learn how to puff a different way, because apparently the way I always puffed was the right way for e-cigs. I was and am really pleased with the choice I made (a KR808 starter kit with auto batteries from My Vapor Store). Because I’ve always smoked light cigs, I don’t feel the need for anything more powerful. The KR8’s are fulfilling my needs. At the beginning of this week I received my first bottles of juice and started refilling my cartos. From all the wonderful advice I read here, I knew better than to order huge bottles of stuff—instead I got sample sized bottles and I’ve been keeping notes on what I like.

I reached my monetary break even point today (doesn’t take long when cigs are $9 a pack). I’m going to order more juice and a spare battery. The KR808’s are perfect for me, because I like to hold it in my mouth and these are light enough to do that. The only problem I had was that they were very hard and my teeth started to ache after a couple of days. Solved that problem—I snipped the end off a condom and put it around the end of my carto—something nice and soft to bite down on. I don’t see myself going the mod route because I’m lazy and cheap, and what I have now is just so easy and inexpensive.

And I gotta say—it’s a LOT easier to stealth vape than it was to stealth smoke (and I was pretty good at it). I don’t have to worry about the smell, or lingering smoke, or an errant .... lying around. All I need is a hidden outlet to recharge, and I’ve got more than one of those in my house. The only problem is that since no one knew I still smoked, no one can congratulate me now that I don’t! Except for the clerks at the CVS where I used to buy my cigs. I was there today and she said “No cigarettes?” to me and I said, “No, I quit,” and she congratulated me. So I’m sharing my story with all of you, because I know you all realize what I have accomplished.

Or maybe not—it’s just been so easy-peasy. When I feel like a smoke, I vape instead and receive exactly the same satisfaction with none of the guilt. I even started a diet on Jan 1st at the same time, and I’ve lost 3 pounds so far. If I had any other bad habits, I’d break them, too—but now I’m practically perfect in every way. ;)

Thanks to all of you who post here and especially those of you who have made helpful videos (I haven’t spilled a drop of juice yet). Now I’ll make a few more posts than go back to mostly lurking


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Dec 21, 2011
Panama City, FL
Wow, 10 years of closet smoking-that is amazing in and of itself. No way I could have lasted that long. I would have cracked and just dealt with the disappointment.

We will congratulate, support and help you. You are not alone in this any more. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I would put a bunch of fancy smileys, but I'm on my phone so insert your own smileys of choice here.

And yes, stealth vaping is much much easier lol.
how do you hide the cloud of smoke. lol

You have to read the posts explaining how to double inhale and thus swallow your smoke. I don't know exactly where I read that (I've read so many posts here in the last couple of weeks), but it seemed like very useful advice. I haven't tried it myself in public. At least you don't have to worry about anyone smelling anything weird. This is what makes me wonder about how public smoking bans can be enforced on PVs--maybe it's just that everyone isn't as sneaky as me.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Oct 24, 2011
You have to read the posts explaining how to double inhale and thus swallow your smoke. I don't know exactly where I read that (I've read so many posts here in the last couple of weeks), but it seemed like very useful advice. I haven't tried it myself in public. At least you don't have to worry about anyone smelling anything weird. This is what makes me wonder about how public smoking bans can be enforced on PVs--maybe it's just that everyone isn't as sneaky as me.

its aka double inhalation method. The usual stuff are Draw, inhale, exhale. Here, u Draw short of a mouthful, Inhale, Inhale, Hold (optional), Exhale shortly.
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