St. Lawrence County (NY) legislature considers banning all tobacco use (including e-cigarettes) on county property, within 20 feet of entrances

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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
St. Lawrence County (NY) legislators consider enacting misguided, intolerant and unenforcable tobacco use ban (including e-cigarettes) on county owned property, within 20 feet of building entrances. Public hearing at 6:30 tonight.

Ironically, this proposal wouldn't ban the use of e-cigarettes or smokeless tobacco in any workplaces (except county owned buildings), but would ban their use outdoors within 20 feet of building entrances. Such idiocy.


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Apr 9, 2012
So Calif
Law brought to them by the County Public Health Director Susan Hathaway. Wonder if the County Public Health Board got any CDC funding?

So it gets in the paper Friday with a hearing on Monday. They sure seem to be trying to delay any public notification until after the deed is done. The Public's business seems to be increasingly done in the hope that no one notices until the deed is done.


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Apr 10, 2012
Clackamas, Oregon
that's my home county...doesn't surprise me. new york has been really restrictive on smoking for some time.

the state of oregon is going to no tobacco products AT ALL (including smokeless snuff, and e-cigs) on any state property starting in January. as far as i could tell the governor's executive order bans smoking (including e-cigs) IN state buildings. It didn't mention e-cigs outside...but definitely no smoking and no snuff.
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