Spicy/hot taste from PG liquids (and no, I don't think its the nicotine)

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Full Member
Jun 22, 2014
washington dc
I arrived at vaping from Blu cigs, so in my quest to find a flavor similar to their Tobacco, I settled on Johnson Creek's 100% VG Domestic flavor. Its great, and for a while has been my all day vape, but the thick VG-only juice is clogging up my atomizers, causing me to have to change them every few days. I have been experimenting with more PG-based juices, and have tried some from DFW Vapor (Mountain Dew is great, trying Coke flavor too) and MVS (Soda and Blue Raspberry), but all of the PG based juices I have tried all give me a spicy/hot aftertaste as I exhale. I have been enjoying the flavors for the most part, but I can't get over the spicy aftertaste so I keep going back to the VG stuff from JC. I did a search of the forums, and consensus seems to be that the nicotine causes this, but all of the PG juices I got were 6mg, compared to the 12mg VG juice that I haven't had this problem with. So that leads me to believe its not the nicotine, that maybe I just don't like PG in general.

I've noticed also that if I lower the voltage a low as my VV will go (3.2) with a high-ish resistance atomizer (2.5 dual coil EVOD2) it isn't as bad, but still noticeable enough that I keep reaching for the VG juices instead (I like cooler vapor anyways).. Has anyone else had similar experiences with PG-based juice? Any recommendations for vendors with good VG flavors?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2013
Lawrenceville, Ga.
Just keep in mind, that PG is also a stronger flavor deliverer. I wonder if the flavor of the nicotine has anything to do with it.

Also, I notice that I get that "spicy hot" feeling when I first start vaping in the day, or if I haven't vaped for a few hours. After vaping the flavor for a while, that spicyness dulls down and eventually goes away... usually by the time I've vaped 1/4th of a tank. Like you, I notice it being stronger with a higher PG based juice... even from the same vendor, same flavor, same nicotine lvl... PG has that slight spicy taste. I just believe that PG is just a better deliverer of whatever component in nicotine that has that taste.. that is just my opinion.

One thing you might test, is go to Mt. Baker Vapor or some other site that will allow you to specify the pg/vg ration and nic levels. Order the same juice in 70/30 no nicotine, max VG 12 mg, and maybe 50/50 6mg. See if you can tell the difference, especially with the no nicotine. That will at least point you into where it's comming from.. .even though I believe it's the nicotine.


Full Member
Jun 22, 2014
washington dc
One thing you might test, is go to Mt. Baker Vapor or some other site that will allow you to specify the pg/vg ration and nic levels.

yeah that was my first instinct.. I ordered some 75% VG 6mg from Zeus E-Juice right after I started this thread, so that should arrive soon and help answer the question. Like I said before the pure VG is so thick I'd like to find a middle ground somewhere between the thickness of VG only and the "spicy-ness" I have encountered with PG juices..maybe the 75/25 will do the trick.

To Adam Sawyer, yeah I have tried different PG-based flavors from DFW, MyVaporStore, and a local shop, all with the same results.
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