Source of Nicotine for E-lquids?

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New Member
Jul 8, 2010
Any one know where or how they process the nicotine for e-liquids. I figure they don't make it synthetically, because I know they extract it for insecticides and there is a ready source of it in tobacco. Probably form N. Rustica, because that strain is super high in nicotine content, and, because it is used for poor peoples ciggs in many countries, it's dirt cheap.

My concern is really not the nicotine, but what may come with it in the process. The Mosaic Virus is very common in tobacco, especially cheap stuff, and it is very hardy; some people even believe it can be transferred from infected tobacco to a live plant through smoke!

I grow Tomato plants, heirloom, commercially, and they are members of the same family as tobacco, the Nightshade Family, thus they can contract the Tobacco Mosaic Virus.
Any insights into this.
I know is a little esoteric, but not to me. To me it's a very real concern.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Would the mosaic virus survive a solution of PG?
Good question.

Propylene glycol is very good at being some or all of these...

I don't know which ones it is, or whether it is all of them.
I don't even know the difference between them all.

But it is well known that it kills lots of stuff pretty good.

EDIT: I'd sure love someone to clarify so I can post this information properly in the future.
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