sorta NOOB...definitely newbie to here

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Hey there, I'm going to be honest - I need to make 5 posts. I know you're all friendly and very helpful and I'm unable to respond to those awesome posts in the main forum yet due to the fact that I've just been lurking around while I set up my stash o' vape. You are all amazing and know so much it's inspiring!

So here is my intro:
I was a quitter in 2011 - I was a full time vape addict and ditched cigarettes. Then a year later I lost everything - my home, my car - my pets. I also had no job so I was homeless.

Fast forward to now - I have low paying job (but I'm changing that) and it happens to be very expensive to live in this area. It also costs money to get out so either way, I just need to make more. I work 50 hour weeks and qualify for foodstamps if that tells you something about how little I make. Pathetic! Remember though, that part is changing!

I can't afford to smoke for a few reasons - one being money. I invested 25 dollars in a Kamry X6 clone set up. Came with a clone protank and a spare coil. I spent another 25 bucks at VaporPalace on their 4 for $20 10ml juice deal. For 50 bucks, I was sorta set. Two of the flavors were so not for me. One being a menthol tobacco. I forgot how much I didn't really like those and was noob again (so much has changed in the vapor world since 2011!). That said they have awesome service and for 5 bucks for 10ml for someone just setting up it's a great deal.

Soooooo then I never really have another 25 dollars all in the same place so I find a great vape shop locally - someone I purchased before online in 2011 - ecigexpress. They're just off the bus route on my way home and the service is banging. I go in, try every flavor they will let me and fall in love with this one called Grape Drank by Ruthless. 18mgs one bottle, 8 bucks, I'm set for two weeks.

I vaped the JEBUS out of that stuff! I feel totally in love with it and stopped smoking all together like some miracle. When it was gone those two weeks later I ran back to ecigexpress and asked for another. The bad news: the vendor is too unreliable not sending the shipments in time so they are liquidating their stock of it, had no more Grape Drank for me! There was nothing really comparable so I ended up getting two other flavors - 20 bucks total. Anyway since then I have had frozen or misthreaded caps on my iClears twice, ordered some new tanks that had bad coils (thanks China vendor on ebay that burned me lol) and basically have spent a little more than 200 dollars in pieces and experiments trying to get the balance right.

Now? I just said screw it. I just bought an Aspire Nautilus clearomizer for 15 bucks on ebay. I spent just over 65 dollars of the 100 bucks I had to get a DIY set up from Wizard Labs. 250ml of 36 mg nic in VG, 250 ml of PG and 16 different flavors including a sweetener and a sour. I'm done guys. This is it. The mack daddy of vape will be mine in about a week when the order gets here. I'm not scared. I even got a couple of tobacco flavors hoping to replace my morning coffee CIG need.

I have been reading horror story after horror story of people mixing, spilling, miscalculating and making an absolute mess of their set up. I just read a post where someone said DIY is for people with extra cash. If I had extra cash, I wouldn't have ever thought to quit buying cigarettes.

I am not experienced at mixing. I am a noob. I will however take a chance after all of the research I've done and hope that the inspiration, information and advice that you've all given this (until now) silent lurker is going to pay off into me not feeling like I need to buy one more single pack of cigarettes. Yeah, I carry around 1/2 a pack of cigarettes and I'm going to do that until I feel like I'm ready not to.

Now, can anyone recommend a good 2nd battery set up? lol

Also, if you have any advice for kicking the morning craving of a cig with coffee (what flavor, flavorless? etc.) I would LOVE to know.

Annoying long post but I feel so inspired by you all and think you should know! :))))):D


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here!:)

+1 on the MVP v2

1. Huge (2600 mah) battery
2. Variable Voltage - Voltage can be adjusted from 3.3 ~ 5.0 in 0.1 volt increments
3. Variable Wattage - Wattage can be adjusted from 6.0 ~ 11.0 in 0.5 watt increments
4. Ohms Meter - Reads the resistance of your atomizer
5. Pass through ability
6. $40 shipped at many online stores

For all things DIY head on over to the DIY ELiquid Forum. You will not be able to post there until you get in your first 5 posts.

Make sure to read all the "stickies". Also check out the blogs by ECF members Hoosier & dannyv45.

DIY Recipe Sites

* ECF E-Liquid Recipes
* EcigExpress Archive Cookbook
* ....................
* E-Liquid Recipes UK
* kritikalmass - E-Liquid Recipes
* One Stop DIY Shop - Recipes
Yes - I'm long "winded". That said, short intros are for spammers :p

Thanks for the awesome post with links and all to Susan!! I have really done a lot of homework on that mvp and even found one that looks nice for 43 bucks shipped. I'm just waiting for some cash coming to me and I'm doing it (I currently have no back up for my Kamry x6 so it's a must purchase).

I am SCARED to even try to get into rebuilding coils and all - it's an investment from a recently homeless person here just rebuilding my life - I can't imagine buying all the tools and things needed so slowly I'll be forced into all that I'm sure :)

Appreciate the warm welcomes and hug you all!! :)
My WL order shipped. I got two tobacco flavors - a honey black and black. As well, I did an espresso. I'm super interested to see how that goes as opposed to trying to vape grape pixie with coffee lol

I can taste and smell so much better now too :) I apologize if I seem over enthusiastic but things have changed lots since 2011 when I was last trying all of this so I am very hopeful this time :)
It's great to have you here and I can definitely relate with the excitement. I have only been vaping for a short while and definitely have the same problem with not enough money to buy everything that I want. I have one ego with a mini pro tank and one type of juice for now. We will be the ones that just have to add things a little bit at a time but there's nothing wrong with that. I just tell everyone that if they have juice they hate or tanks or coils etc. etc. that they want to get rid of lol just send them all to me :p

This is a great forum with a wonderful group of people.
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