Soon to be vaping

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Hi everyone,

I have been reading this forum for about a month now and decided to give vaping a try. I have smoked about a pack of analogs a day for the last 14 years. Recently smoking Marlboro Milds (menthol but not "sucking a peppermint stick" menthol). Throat hit and the "full lung" feeling are just as important to me as the nicotine.

After a ton of research here and other places across the web, I have ordered a Joye 510 and a couple bottles of 24mg menthol juice. I figure that the change will be easier if I can get as close to the effects and feel of analogs as possible. It should be here in a few more days.

So far my wife has somewhat less than supportive. In fact one could say she is being discouraging and has told me that if it doesn't work I am stuck with it. (for the record I have no history of spending money on stuff that I don't use... including computer games that I bought several years ago). Anyway, the point of telling you that is give some context when I say I am a bit a nervous about replacing smoking with vaping. I am not without will power but the pressure is on, so to speak.

So that brings me to the point of this post. I would just like to hear from some of the people that have made the change. How difficult was to switch? Was it an immediate change? etc.

Oh also, I am sure that once I get started I am going to want to try other flavors. (I actually hate the taste of tobacco and don't really care for the taste of menthol.) Are there any suppliers that have samples available? One that has 1 or 2 pre-filled carts per flavor would be ideal.

thanks in advance


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2009
Las Vegas
After 30 years @ a pack a day I quit the first day I got my ecig. 9 months ago. Simple and painless and never had another cigarette. I don't think I've ever read on here where someone who switched to these didn't end up quitting smoking within a month. Most people totally quit within a week and a lot in one day.
Look in the supplier forums for the juice. A lot of them have sample packs with different flavors. You don't really want pre-filled cartridges. You'll want to get bottles of juice and refill the carts you already have. I got mine from eastmall.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2009
Hi Corin, I was a 20+ years heavy smoker, smoking hand rolled filterless for the last 4 years or so....I gave up trying to give up, I was absolutely 100% addicted to the cancer sticks, I couldn't have gone an hour without one.

I stopped smoking completely within 24 hours of getting my kit sorted and "tuned". I haven't even thought of cigs since starting to vape.

It's more like changing brands than giving up - It is a bit different than true smoking, but pleasantly so.

Good luck to ya, you are about to enter a better, cleaner, healthier world.



Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
Some make the change easily and some it takes time. Me, I was visiting my daughter who lives in another state and I didn't take any analogs with me. It was a kind of use it or nothing situation.
First off, the feel of it in your hand is totally different, but you'll get use to it.
Second, if you still want an analog, go ahead---just try to cut the number down a little bit each day.
Third. Give yourself plenty of time to get use to vaping. Time is your friend because there is a getting use to it period and a time period for learning things about your new toy.
In the end, it's worth it.
And, at least I hope so, you'll be one of those who take to it like a fish takes to water.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2009
San Antonio, TX
13+ years 1 1/2 - 2 packs a day smoker: I quit the moment I got my 510 and knew/know I would never smoke again.

Try not to compare it to cigarettes when you start as you may be disapointed with the differences. Treat it as a new experience and not a replacement to cigarettes. It took me a while to get over not feeling a strong NIC hit in my lungs but by week two I was craving the NIC hit you get in your throat with the PV. Ahhh, it burns soooooo good.

After a few weeks you really won't even think about cigarettes any more. At least that is how it was for me.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Corin, another 40 + year heavy smoker here. It took me a few weeks, but after maybe three, I found myself preferring my vaporizer over the cigs. There is still a half pack on the kitchen counter and a pack in my briefcase. I just don't want them anymore.

And wow do I feel better. I even think my skin complexion has changed.

Tell Sweety that if it doesn't work for you (and that is rare), We have an exchange section right here on the forum and someone will snap up everything you bought if you price it right.

Happy, healthy vaping!
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