Something wrong with my Kanthal?

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Dec 20, 2012
San Antonio
A while back I ordered some 28 gage nichrome and 30 gage kanthal from that ebay place (can't remember the name - but a lot of people get thier wire from them).

I've been using the 28 gage and it seems fine. Today I tried making a microcoil with the 30 gage and the ohms are coming out way too low. For 14 wraps around a 5/64 drillbit, the ohms read .4. It doesn't seem to be shorted - it vapes fine and the battery doesn't get hot or anything . .but I want something more like 2.0 ohms. I made several more attempts with the 30 gage and the ohms came out crazy low everytime.

I tried making the exact same coil with my 28 gage and it came out to 1.7 ohms . .about what I would expect.

Could there be something wrong with my Kanthal? I'm confused!


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Dec 20, 2012
San Antonio
I found the problem . . it's not Kanthal at all. I grabbed the wrong spool. It's non-resistance wire, lol. That's crazy . .I actually vaped a coil made of non-resistance wire - just about 3-5 hits, though. Odd that the battery didn't seem to mind it and the vape was actually pretty good - just way too low res.
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