some people seem to think the provari is expensive

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PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
The Provari is responsible for me getting serious about giving up my remaining cigarettes. The eGo, even with LR cartos, just wasn't quite enough at the time to make me quit those last few. I've told that story several times before, and I could have gotten the elevated voltage vape that helped me quit from most any VV mod, but the Provari won out in the comparison list for reasons I outlined above.

It's a purchase that I would make again. I keep my eGo stuff ready to go just in case the Provari has to be sent in for service, but eGo hasn't been used much since the Provari rode in.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2012
Agreed Dave P. (Sweet LP, by the way)

I still keep my eGo collection for "On the Go" type outings and work. THe Pro V stays mainly at home where its safe from being lost, dropped, stolen, etc.
A Boge 2.0 on a eGo gets me by. I recently discovered the Bottom Coil Phoenix, which provides an incredible vape, on such a low voltage device like an eGo batt.

The Provari is in a class by itself. Take Scott, (igetcha69) for example. Man that guy has every custom MOD out there, and what does he always use when testing rebuildable's, juice, or other stuff..A Provari.
The quality and material used in the manufacture is top notch. If Pro Vape ever gets into the rebuildable atty stuff, I'm going to move back home to South Park, and sit outside their factory gate until I get one.
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Senior Member
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Verified Member
Aug 19, 2010
Ok, I've got to chime in here.

First I have a Provari, 4 months now going on 5, and well I love this thing. I hardly ever touch any of my other mods (VV Ali, VV Power Grip, Prodigy V3.1 6v, eGo, eGo Twist, and (I hate admitting this one) the Blu, although I haven't touched the Blu in probably 2 years now.

The Provari IS expensive, and I don't say this from an affordability standpoint, any former smoker can afford this mod. I mention it from a usability, or lifestyle standpoint as some have mentioned more as an afterthought then a real consideration. When you go somewhere you worry about loss and or damaging the unit, although damaging it I'll admit, you would be hard pressed to do so, as I've dropped it, ran over it even dropped it in the toilet. I mention expense only because I'd run around with my eGo's and never really worry about it, I have tons of extra batts sitting at home, and hell I always made sure to carry 2 extra no matter where I went. Went Kayaking kept it on my lap, took a spill, lost a complete unit but was like meh oh well I got more in my case at shore, and in the car. I wouldn't chance that with my Provari, and I've noticed other places I do things differently, Castaway Bay for example, my ego, I just stuck in a waterproof case and went to town on the slides etc, I put my Provari in the locker.

Now that all being said, is the product worth it, ABSOLUTELY. Is provape making a killing on it? I doubt it, it's high quality stainless, proprietary computerized components, machined finish etc. I worked in manufacturing for a period of time and I'll tell you none of what he's doing is not cheap. Does he make a profit? I sure as heck hope so! I want him to make money and keep producing great quality products at a fair price.

So what I'm trying to get at is simply this, is if you are one of those individuals who can't keep track of their low priced eGo's or X Mod and there are a number of those people out there, I know a lot of people who went to vaping over analogs and then quit vaping cus they kept losing their e-cigs, then this mod is not for you. But if you are like me, and can learn to keep track of it, not missplace it and for me more importantly, have no intention of quitting vaping because you love it, then this is hands down the best mod for you, assuming you are willing to make some lifestyle changes. If your not willing or you want to be able to lose your e-cig without worry then find some other mod or only use this at home as a number of people have mentioned.
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