So nice to see a POSITIVE news article about vaping!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2013
[h=5]:) Love this article, they really need to get the truth out there. I HATE when people give me crap for even vaping! A guy the other night (as he was going out for a cigarette) said to me as he seen me vaping, "You shouldn't smoke. You should stop now." I said, "I'm not smoking, I'm vaping, it's just vapor." He still huffed and puffed and I said, "There's no tar or carcinogens." His response was, "It's bad for you! Don't smoke anything! Just quit!" What an ignorant ...! I tell some people, "Nicotine is just as bad for you as caffeine is, so it's not THAT bad." And they say, "But nicotine causes cancer and caffeine doesn't." REALLY? REALLY??? Then I tell them that nicotine is NATURALLY found in potatoes, cauliflower, eggplant & green tomatoes... that's usually about the time they shut the eff up. (If I don't walk away before that point out of frustration and intolerance for ignorant judgy douches.)

I deleted the link cause people are focusing too much on the free trial part... It was the article in itself I liked. I totally forgot it had the free trial offer at the bottom of the page so I will just copy and paste.

"The use of electronic cigarettes have recently grabbed the attention of countless tobacco users worldwide. Are they really a healthier and cheaper alternative to traditional cigarettes? Creators and product users claim you can enjoy a cheaper, healthier cigarette without the bad smells, second-hand smoke, or cancer causing chemicals. With these huge claims, we decided to investigate the electronic cigarette for our readers.

A few of the benefits claimed from using the electronic cigarette:

No tar, tobacco, carbon monoxide, or ash.
Get the same amount of nicotine as a regular cigarette.
Each cartridge costs less than $2, and is equivalent to an entire pack of cigarettes.
The average consumer can expect to save over $1,000 each year
You won’t “smell” like a smoker any longer.
Different flavors are available.
No more second-hand smoke.

We first researched exactly what expert medical doctors and product users had to say about electronic cigarettes, and the results were surprising. In fact, a study by researchers at the Boston University School of Public Health in 2010 concluded that electronic cigarettes were safer than real cigarettes and may aid in breaking the habit of smoking. "Electronic cigarettes were found to be "much safer" than traditional tobacco ones, and had a level of toxicity similar to existing nicotine replacements". In the report, the level of carcinogens in electronic cigarettes was found to be up to 1,000 times lower than regular cigarettes. It also said early evidence shows that electronic cigarettes may help people to stop smoking by simulating a tobacco cigarette.

Doctors have even suggested that while utilizing the electronic cigarette, there is virtually no risk of getting cancer. These conclusions come from studies which show that nicotine is about as equally harmful to your health as caffeine. These studies also show that the real harm in traditional cigarettes comes from the tobacco smoke and the hundreds of additional added chemicals.

Four very well known doctors, from the popular TV show “The Doctors”, have also studied the electronic cigarette and was featured as one of their top 10 key health trends for 2010.

“The Electronic Cigarette gives you nicotine, but it doesn't give you any of the other 4,000 chemicals from a cigarette that can cause cancer, among other problems..” - Dr. Travis Stork from “The Doctors”

We also learned that the electronic cigarette is not encompassed by most smoking bans and regulations. With the lack of second-hand smoke, smokers are excited to find that many businesses, bars, and even air planes allow them to smoke e-cigarettes indoors. Many electronic cigarette users have also received special permission from their employers to smoke e-cigarettes in the work place.

In the United States alone, over 700,000 smokers have already switched to electronic cigarettes. Beverly, a smoker of 15 years was interviewed , one of the many whose life has dramatically changed thanks to the electronic cigarette. She concluded that she smoked almost two packs a day for 15 years, and she thought that she would never quit. To her surprise though, when she tried electronic cigarettes she was able to become cigarette free two days later. “As a smoker, I would recommend this product to anyone who plans on becoming cigarette free. Its a great alternative, and it still gives you the action of smoking. You inhale and blow out, unlike an awkward nicotine patch or chewing gum.” – Beverly

We have researched a number of positive testimonials such as this one and we feel that as more and more Americans are made aware of this new technology, that more and more smokers will make the switch. Our interviews and research have found that the electronic cigarette will quickly become the #1 choice for smokers looking to lead a healthier lifestyle. With the high cost of smoking traditional cigarettes, and with the danger cigarettes bring to your health, we give our recommendation and “thumbs up” to anyone looking to give these devices a try."

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Full Member
Apr 27, 2013
[h=5]:) Love this article, they really need to get the truth out there. I HATE when people give me crap for even vaping! A guy the other night (as he was going out for a cigarette) said to me as he seen me vaping, "You shouldn't smoke. You should stop now." I said, "I'm not smoking, I'm vaping, it's just vapor." He still huffed and puffed and I said, "There's no tar or carcinogens." His response was, "It's bad for you! Don't smoke anything! Just quit!" What an ignorant ...! I tell some people, "Nicotine is just as bad for you as caffeine is, so it's not THAT bad." And they say, "But nicotine causes cancer and caffeine doesn't." REALLY? REALLY??? Then I tell them that nicotine is NATURALLY found in potatoes, cauliflower, eggplant & green tomatoes... that's usually about the time they shut the eff up. (If I don't walk away before that point out of frustration and intolerance for ignorant judgy douches.)[/h]

Thanks for that link, will sign up for a free trial for my father in law :)

I am also one of the lucky ones that gets to vape in their office and yes I work for the Government


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Vaping Master
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Apr 9, 2013
Houston, TX
Thanks for that link, will sign up for a free trial for my father in law :)

I am also one of the lucky ones that gets to vape in their office and yes I work for the Government


Why do I say it is a scam?

1. It tries to mimic an online magazine but it is not
2. The content has not been updated since 2011.
3. There are only about 4 "stories" on the whole site, which also have not changed since 2011.
4. Most importantly EVERY "story" ends with a free or trial offer, just pay shipping, by giving them your CC info.


Super Member
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Sep 6, 2012
Exclusive Offer Terms: By clicking confirm my order, you agree to be enrolled in the 14 day trial offer for $4.95 which is the cost of shipping, and after the trial expires, you agree that your card will be charged $109.67 for the Starter Kit. Your refill cartridges will recur at $59.67 plus shipping and handling every month from the time of initial purchase until you cancel.
Holy bleeping bleep Batman. o_0
5 cartridges, equal to about 10 packs of cigarettes,

I could hit up my local B&M shop and get a eGo-C kit for ~$80 (2 batts, 2 TypeB tanks, 5 atty heads, etc)
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Feb 27, 2013


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Jun 3, 2008
Sorry, I forgot that free-trial thing was even at the bottom of the article. This wasn't supposed to be about that at all.
Understood. Just to be clear though, this is not a Positive Article about Vaping that just happens to have a free trial at the bottom. The entire page is a pay-per-click advertisement (as noted by the large print text ADVERTISEMENT at the top of the page) meant to manipulate people into accidentally signing up for a costly subscription scheme. So yes, it will contain positive text about the product, as all advertisements do.

We do see some positive articles here, normally posted in Media and General News.

Live and learn... ;)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2013
United States
I use the News 360 app for my tablet and I'd say most of the articles I get are positive on e cigarettes. I think the fear mongering articles are all a few years old.

There was that initial period where the anti smoking brigade went nuts on them with their typical propaganda. That, you don't know what's in those, they contain something that's in nuclear bombs, they haven't been proven safe, and they may appeal to children or non-smokers with alcoholic adult beverages arguments. Being that those notions are so clearly baseless they have been backing off.

Well... They haven't backed off flavors yet but no signs suggests that children are compelled to use these. I've even tried to get the younger smokers at work to switch and it seems impossible. It seems as though having absolutely no regard for your own personal health later in life is a deterrent from e cigarettes.
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