So I was sitting on a barstool...

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Hans Wermhat

Vaping Master
Jun 9, 2015
and I got halfway through my first beer when I realized I forgot something. Packed my go bag with some wire, cotton, clippers, scissors, 3 flavors of juice, ... ... ... and only my KF Nano tank. 3 beers and a shot later, I was cussing myself and the guy on the stool next to me (also a vaper) reminded me about the B&M 2 doors down. He said they have a bunch of cheap clones, but it won't do you any good. No way you can build a tank in here. Too Dark. I bet him a dollar I could and he agreed. 5 minutes later I came back with a decent lil Tugboat clone and broke out my supplies. He reiterated his belief that there was no way I was going to build anything that would vape. I challenged him to put his money where his mouth was and we agreed that if I could build a working dual coil tank in less than 10 minutes, he would buy my tab for the night.

It's a lil bit ugly, but it works like a champ. Not bad for a half drunk old man with bad eyesight! Lol!

Here's to free beer! :toast:


Vaping Mistress
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Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
I got plenty of stink-eye from the older crowd in that bar sucking down analogs by the pack. Lots of formaldehyde warnings and "Don't you know those things will kill you!!!" too.

Yeah, even if they do, at least I won't stink like a dirty-.... ashtray!
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