Smoking Analogs again....

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 1, 2009
I would agree about the other chemicals, I am just NOW getting over extremely vivid weird dreams (except for the GIANT spider in the pantry dream this morn...I mean GIANT).

I do not deny myself, nor does my wife. We have been rolling our own (filter with injector) for quite some time so I keep the tobacco in a big jar with a humidifier stick so it won't go bad. So we have an analog now and then, generally a half. I know right now there are 2 halves sitting on the balcony as that is all we really want.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2009
As others have said, just vape your brains out when you want a cig, tell yourself to try that for ten minutes first to see if you can avoid the cig. Just try a mental delay instead of denial, maybe that will be better for your brain than a flat out NO.
I was close to three packs a day a month ago, stictly vaping happily now. I am going to watch for this four month re temptation though, scary!


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ECF Veteran
Oct 9, 2009
Southern Maine
A craving lasts about 2 minutes.
When you want a cig. think of something else, take a little walk, put some music on.
Anything to get your mind of that ciggy.

Then 2 minutes later you're fine.

Yeah until 2 more minutes pass and the craving comes back. Damn that little demon.

Well it's officially 2 weeks for me. I have only had 3 puffs off of a cigarette and have no desire to go back. I had 2 puffs 3 days after I quit and it tasted like crap. Then tonight my girlfriend wanted me to light her cigarette for her. So I did and it actually choked me up and burned my throat. Even if I did ever want one again I couldn't actually see myself enjoying it at this point.

WTF? Why did she want you to light her cig for her?? Is it really that hard? I don't think I've ever asked someone to light a cigarette for me. I can't even stand it when someone else holds the lighter I am trying to light off of.

I am still craving them now and then too, but I repeat this little mantra to myself:

A cigarette will not solve my problems, because smoking only adds to my problems.

I find that I crave them when I wake up, after a meal, and when I have gone a long time without hitting my e-cig. Perhaps identifying your personal triggers will also help you.

That's some damn good advice.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Charlotte, NC
After I got my e-cig I pretty much quit analogs cold turkey. I didn't even want to smoke analogs either, I would occasionally have one but other than that I used my e-cig. It's been 4 months since I've had my e-cig and we've gotten along just great but here recently I've been craving analogs and have even purchased a few packs.

I don't understand why this is happening?? Has anyone else had this issue?

This may sound really dumb...... but....... Lay down in bed with your eyes closed or just sit with your eyes closed. Vape like your smoking an analog, use the closest tasting tobacco flavor you can find. When your done..... put a couple cigarette ashes in your mouth! This is weird, yes. But, when I was filling my nic craving and still wanted an analog.... it was the taste in my mouth I was craving...... If my mouth did not taste like an ashtray I was not satisfied!
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