Smokeless Image Volt review

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Full Member
Dec 9, 2012
Parker, Colorado
This is my review on my first experience with Smokeless Image Volt. After a negative experience with another company, I ran into this site and read some of the reviews of KR808 style vapor products. I read a number of positive comments on the Volt so I tried it.

I can say without hesitation that Smokeless Image has been a great experience in every respect. I bought their Volt Standard Starter Kit and choose the RY4 liquid. When it arrived, I unpacked it, charged up the batteries and gave it a shot. I fell in love. The taste was wonderful, the vapor was good and the batteries (78mm) lasted about 4 or 5 hours before needing recharging.

I had a small problem with the USB charger being loose in the wall charger and not making a good connection. I contacted the people at Smokeless Image and the immediately sent me a new charger (and added in an extra USB charger) with no questions asked. That's excellent customer service!

I am very happy with the Volt and have ordered more batteries, cartomizers (RY4 and an going to try Cowboy) and a few accessories. I will continue to use the Volt products at work (a bit more stealth) and have since gotten an eGO Twist and Mini Nova to try out when the liquid I ordered gets here. I will use the eGO at home and Volt at work.

There were a few other KR808 style products I was going to try that were recommended on this site but I am so happy with Volt, I will stick with Volt for my KR808 needs.

Thanks for all the great suggestions. This site is wonderful!

Best regards,
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