Smoke free...

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2010
Well, I haven't had an analog in nearly 48 hours now. Last night was my birthday and surprisingly enough I kept busy enough at the club that I didn't even think to smoke strangely enough, which is very odd considering the amount of beer that was in me. ;)

Anyway, added a new banner that hopefully I won't have to reset tomorrow. Seems to be about a half day off, but close enough.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2010
Maple Grove, Minnesota
Congrats vivictus! and welcome to ECF :)
stick with it... it works, I smoked for well over 30 years and I am now over 7 months without an analog :) BUT... don't set your goals too lofty, everyone goes about it differently, for me.. I never had another cig after I got my PV, but for MANY its a gradual process of replacing one with another, just don't give up! vaping works... and it tastes SOOOOO much better than analogs! ;) LOL


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Hang in there and vape away. I quit just a few months back and can say the changes are astounding. I love vaping in the car still. Nothing can take that away I guess. But I no longer arrive at work smelling like an ashtray. I wake up after a good night out and don't feel like I need to hack up a lung. I convinced my cube mate at work that the little bottle I put on my desk was an air freshener and now vape undetected at my desk. Best of all I got into DIY liquids and now my cost per day is like 20 cents.

Best of Luck!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2010
Lancaster, PA
Don't consider 1 cigarette starting over, everyone slips up. Some because they feel like they need one, others, because they haven't had one in a while and are curious. No one is here to judge, because we have all been there.

Just pick up that pv everytime you have a craving, and chalk it up as 1 less cigarette smoked.

To be honest, my banner should read 2 less cigs than it does, I got drunk and my curiousity got the best of me, on 2 different occasions.

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 19, 2010
The best thing you can do is just get rid of the smokes. I found I really didn't need mine as long as I had my pv. The only reason I had been smoking the last few days b4 I quit was because I still had cigarettes. Then I said, I don't need these and now I just vape. I was a 1.5 pad smoker for the last 24+ yrs and my last pack that I had lasted me over 4 days so was time to just get rid of them. Almost 48 hrs now for me. Hop back on the horse and ditch the smokes, you will do fine. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 4, 2010
Merced, CA
Funny you say that. I am resetting my counter right now. /sigh...

Hey, man... this ain't like AA where you have to turn in your chip and start over....

Don't even think about it. Keep some analogs around. At some point, you'll wake up and realize that you haven't had one in like, four days, without even trying. Vaping is so much better on every level than smoking, but sometimes it takes a while for your subconscious to accept it. If you put a ton of pressure on, it just makes it harder. And if you slip up, no biggie. The more you vape, the less you smoke... and the less you smoke, the less you'll want to :)
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