Smoke free Wisconsin Opposes Smoke Free Electronic Cigarettes

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Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
From everything I have read, in Sweden, where snus is king, it's been shown that smokeless tobacco is a gateway away from cigarettes as many smokers use it to quit. The smoking rate has been falling since the 60's when the health risk associated with smoking became widely known, while snus use has increased. There smoking rate is lower then any other industrialized country. Far more people use it to quit smoking then the small percentage that start with snus and take up smoking. Public health has greatly improved as Sweden has the lowest cancer rate associated with smoking of all industrialized countries in the world. Of course in Sweden there is a fair amount of accurate information on the risk factors between snus and smoking so tobacco users naturally choice the less risky snus.

If accurate information was available in North America as to the risk factors between smokeless tobacco and smoking many more people would choose smokeless. This misinformation campaign is killing people.

You'd think that the US would pick up on what has worked in Sweden and accept there success with Snus. However, they want to fight that too. It's all about the money.
They determined that about 22% of smokers 17-19 used flavored tobacco and only about 7% of adults over 26 used them. From this, they determined kids are attracted to flavored tobacco and adults aren't, so flavors are dangerous.

But let's talk about this. First of all, adolescents only make up 20% of U.S. smokers, so that means only about 4.4% of smokers used flavored tobacco.

Your math is off a little bit. 22% of 20% of the population = 4.4% of all smokers are adolescents who smoke flavored cigarettes versus 15.6% of all smokers are adolescents who do NOT smoke flavored cigarettes. Contrast that to 7% of the remaining 80% = 5.6% of all smokers are adults who smoke flavored cigarettes. Based on these numbers, it means that 10% of all smokers use flavored cigarettes, of which 56% are adults. (although this information leaves out the 18-25 year old demographic which we might expect to be higher than 7% but lower than 22%)

Now where is the evidence that shows that these smokers (old or young) would not have started smoking non-flavored cigarettes if flavored cigarettes were not available?


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Nov 4, 2009
One thing I dont think people understand is that the government wants people to keep smoking and almost encourages people to smoke. The world would be extremely over-populated if smoking tobacco cigs was outlawed not to mention how much money would be lost.

The Bottom Line

The government doesn't care about us as citizens and human beings, they care about the money. If they were so concerned about everyones health they would outlaw drinking & smoking..

Just my $.02 cents


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Nov 4, 2009
One other thing

If cigs were outlawed, where would the money come from to balance the budget that our elected officials cant seem to accomplish. Whats the first thing they turn to?? Cigarettes and alcohol. With out these 2 money making giants, where is the money going to come from?

I personally think they are very concerned about the new "electronic cigarette" taking over the traditional smoke. The reason they don't care about these large pharmaceutical companies who make quit smoking products is because they generate large profits which = large taxes. Not to mention these pharmaceutical companies have a few politicians in there pockets.

Brewster 59

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Oct 22, 2009
North Bay San Francisco
One thing I dont think people understand is that the government wants people to keep smoking and almost encourages people to smoke. The world would be extremely over-populated if smoking tobacco cigs was outlawed not to mention how much money would be lost.

The Bottom Line

The government doesn't care about us as citizens and human beings, they care about the money. If they were so concerned about everyones health they would outlaw drinking & smoking..

Just my $.02 cents

Well they tryed outlawing liq, it didnt work out so well, Pot is illegal and that doesnt stop people from using it. Personally I think they should legalize pot and tax the heck out of it, that would save money by not having to enforce laws that dont work and make money on sales.

Mods I hope this is not considered drug talk, if it is I wont mention that bad word again and jusy delete this post.
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