Smoke Assist is NOT an E-cig

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Full Member
Apr 6, 2010
So I answered the radio ad for the E-Cig that would help me quit smoking. Over $100 later, I received my kit in the mail only to find out that this product has 0 nicotine in the filters! Also, they automatically sign you up to recieve a new supply each month for $79 per month! Yikes! Obviously, I canceled and then found this forum.

Trial and error has brought me to the 510 and I am now smoke-free for 4 weeks and two days and LOVING vaping. Chocolate Raspberry, yum... Thank you ECF for providing education and encouragement!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 11, 2010
Claremont/Pomona, SoCal
Yikes, smoke assist? smoke assassin, smoke whatever, they always have ads on Sirius/XM channels, mainly the comedy channel I listen to every day on the way to and from work.

I called up a little bit ago to see what the deal was but the woman just kept asking me how I was going to pay by. I knew it was a scam after that, but I'm sorry to hear that you had that bad experience to start off your venture.


Full Member
Mar 29, 2010
I'd like to personally thank smoke assist. I heard their radio commercial and it got me thinking about e-cigs. Then I google searched their name and found this forum. Quickly learned it was not a good deal and found my 510. Thank you smoke assist for advertising.

I'm sorry for anyone who makes the mistake of actually buying from them. I've never heard on good thing. At least quite a few find this place before giving up all together.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2009
the advertised price of them kept me from buying one when i started looking for one.. that and when i googled the company and saw all the bad posts about how they over charge them and kept billing ppl.. I looked on ebay for awhile waiting to find one being sold on there.. for a few weeks then started looking through other listings for e-cigs and found this site and ended up getting 35$-40 kit..

so I am sure that they turn off a lot of potential buyers.. many probably use the thing and since it is 0mg it does not work good for them.. so they send it back.. or they get the next bill and cancel it and give up on it..


Moved On
Jan 20, 2010
There are tons of these companies - especially any "free to try" ones - popping up. Unfortunately, many people figure all of the e-cigs are the same after their initial bad experience and never try a decent one.

I've tried at least a half dozen models and the 510 and 901 are the best I have tried for the money.

Green Smoke is a good one if you don't mind paying triple the price for everything and getting something that is really no better than a 510.

bluCigs was the worst of everything I tried.

I have never tried the "free" ones because if it costs nothing, it must be worth about that much!
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