SmilingSlasher is "cutting" someone..............15ml's.

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Vaping Master
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Oct 9, 2009
Just 4 crying people? congrats.

Only 4 criers lastnight..........but a LOT of screamers and runners. Even had several people who fell to the ground and several who huddled in groups for "protection". Hahahahaaaaaa, silly people!!

I've not gotten a PM from twosm0kes yet. If I haven't gotten a PM by 6PM tonight (before I leave for tonights show), I will run the Random Number Generator again and announce a new winner.

Thanks, everyone, again........ I hope you all had a good time.

Sent from Camp Crystal Lake using a machete and a hockey mask.


Vaping Master
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Oct 9, 2009
NC word from twosm0kes so a new winner has been drawn.

The numbers were ran and it says

Post #31 - Daleron!!!

Daleron........PM me your info and I'll give you more details on your prize!! (It'll be tonight after I return from the show)
Sent from Camp Crystal Lake using a machete and a hockey mask.


Ultra Member
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Jun 30, 2010
Face down in the gutter, USA word from twosm0kes so a new winner has been drawn.

The numbers were ran and it says

Post #31 - Daleron!!!

Daleron........PM me your info and I'll give you more details on your prize!! (It'll be tonight after I return from the show)
Sent from Camp Crystal Lake using a machete and a hockey mask.

I just PM'd Xtwosm0kesx, but he/she/it wasn't online.

Wow, my bad, the one day i take a break from ECF i win something! :facepalm:

Even checked the OP earlier to see who won, must've been early.

Thank you to SmilingSlasher for running this, 4wheeling4banger for attempting to contact me, and congrats to the re-draw winner!:vapor:


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Oct 9, 2009
In celebration of making a grown woman pee her pants lastnight, how about this............

xtwosm0kesx, daleron AND Thren

ALL 3 of you send me your addresses. :p

twosm0kes.........your prize will be something of your choice.

Daleron and Thren.........I'll send you each a 15ml bottle that I bought for myself, tried and was not happy with. Maybe y'all might like them.

Congrats to everyone who won something and thank you 4Wheelin for contacting twosm0kes!!!

@SK..........I BARELY had a chance to see your avi lastnight (and it was super small because I was using my phone) but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was from "Leprechaun 3"??? (That is such a GUESS, btw.............):D

Sent from Camp Crystal Lake using a machete and a hockey mask.


Krazee Kat Laydee & Guru-X2.5
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2010
SoCal, USA
@SK..........I BARELY had a chance to see your avi lastnight (and it was super small because I was using my phone) but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was from "Leprechaun 3"??? (That is such a GUESS, btw.............):D

Just to be fair, here is a larger version of it, since I will be changing it soon anyway... :)



Krazee Kat Laydee & Guru-X2.5
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2010
SoCal, USA
In celebration of making a grown woman pee her pants lastnight, how about this............

xtwosm0kesx, daleron AND Thren

ALL 3 of you send me your addresses. :p

twosm0kes.........your prize will be something of your choice.

Daleron and Thren.........I'll send you each a 15ml bottle that I bought for myself, tried and was not happy with. Maybe y'all might like them.

Congrats to everyone who won something and thank you 4Wheelin for contacting twosm0kes!!!


And WTG Slasher for a rip-roaring time!!


Krazee Kat Laydee & Guru-X2.5
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2010
SoCal, USA
Thank you for blowing it up for me, SK!!

Would this be Gage's cat from Pet Sematary? Church, I believe.........right?

Sent from Camp Crystal Lake using a machete and a hockey mask.

Close, but no cigar... :blink: (would I have really made it that easy?? lol)

It's actually from a movie called "Strays":

Strays (1991) | MONDO EXPLOITO
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