Sigelei ZMAX

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 6, 2011
Ft Hood TX
Has anyone experienced their zmax randomly turning off or resetting on them? I've noticed that the top cap is just pressed on and occasionally wires from the circuit board and top cap can get sandwiched between the circuit board and start shorting the unit out.

you might have the wrong end cap on there, i did and was experiencing the same issue


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 6, 2011
Ft Hood TX
Well my zmax connector is stripped out completely, right now my aga-t connetor is wedged into the connector with a bit of card board so it can bite the threads. also frl multiple drops and fall over the screen on the inside was turned almost all the way around so I almost couldnt see it, and my button wasnt pushing the switch down.

I took two pipe wrenches and gently ripped the top cap off, its just press fit in there. I reset the board inside so it lined up with the window again and now at least that is working well again. Now i just need to find a good quality 510 connector to replace the stripped out one.
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