Seriously..... When Did Vaping Get Taken Over By The Scene Kids?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
People run out of stuff. Stuff gets broken or lost. Somebody just knocked over your last bottle of juice and it soaked into the shag carpeting. Poop happens and sometimes the issue needs to be addressed in the present not in 2 or 3 days. And it might be something you're able to find elsewhere or you might not. How many places outside of vape shops sell vape juice? I'm not wasting my time running all over town to find out.

Contrary to your previous post responding directly to me, I don't think I missed anything, but doesn't really matter if I did.

I've had situation where stuff ran out, and bought locally, online. So shipping was 2 days. I think I live near 8 or so shops, but honestly have only been in about three, and only have purchased something online from them. If I had to go and get something the same day, the customer service aspect would not be a huge concern, because it would be known to me that this is likely a once in a great while event. I'd prefer to be treated with great service and respect, but I don't think it would compel me to go back, more regularly.

I think it royally sucks that you were treated as being out of place and based on your explanation, it comes off distinctly like ageism. I already spoke to that, and think it is two way street in general society. It sucks whenever discrimination happens and is justified as okay to be rude, apathetic.

I do think it's okay that some vape shops are treated like clubhouses. Just would be nice if some of those clubhouses catered to people over 40, who are perhaps going to have an overall different experience than younger folks. Not sure if in today's society it would work to have a vape lounge where people of all ages feel welcomed, and atmosphere matches what they wish to get from such a place. Would be nice though if it did exist.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2013
I'm soon to be 47 years old. I've been successfully vaping for over 2 years now. I've ordered a vast majority of my stuff online but every once in awhile, I have to resort to running out to one of my local shops to get something that is an immediate need. (Ran out of cotton or my next juice delivery hasn't arrived.... etc.) Every time I go in these shops, I feel like the creepy old dude that shouldn't be there. They're filled with a bunch of late teen/early 20's kids with shaggy mop tops, gauged ears, pierced everything and skinny jeans. This is both the customers and the employees. I feel like everyone is staring at me like, "what's this old fart doing in here?"

I almost never see people my age vaping out in public unless it's an eGo stick or some other similar device. No one has mods or tanks except for the young kids. Then there's me with my little IPV D2 and Smok TFV4 mini. Meanwhile, the youngsters are all sucking on 200W mods with massive quad coil drippers and puffing away on such tasty sounding flavors like Dying Unicorn Blood and Sasquatch Poop.

I've been vaping off and on practically since vaping first became publicly available. I finally found stuff that worked for me and got off analogs completely. Now I feel like some old dinosaur trying to fit into some scene I'm not a part of just to get some cotton or a roll of wire.

So seriously, when did this become a "scene" thing?
Im 26 i dont have bodymodifications (except my wifes name on my collarbone) i do not wear skinny jeans, my hair is mostly 2-3mm's long and i dont hang around in vapeshops xD... Except once when the owner offered me a cup of coffee and a chat about vaping... And i dont always blow clouds, my adv is a 0,9 ohm single coil mini rda at 32,5w... The coil lasts like 4 months :O

I do however use a cuboid now but my main flavor is aniseed and eucalyptus without color and no wierd name
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