Sense Herakles Plus interchangeable coils?

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ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2015
West Virginia
I've search the forum and can't seem to find an answer for the "Plus" version of the Herakles only the original tank. Can the Triton/Atlantis coils be used in the Herakles Plus? I have the Aspire Atlantis org and V2, Triton 2 and the H-Plus is on it's way. Already have a ton of Triton/Atlantis coils on hand and was hoping I could use them in the H-Plus. Thanks for the help!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2014
I don't have the info your looking for Dreamer, but got my H-Plus about a month ago and will be watching to see if you ever get a response. There doesn't seem to be a lot of chatter about this tank.

I am still running the original kanthal coil, but am about to try out the SS coil before picking up new ones. Was wondering how you compared the two and which you preferred? Having 3 Atlantis v1 tanks, it would sure be nice if those coils were an option for the H-Plus.


Full Member
Nov 20, 2015
No they don't fit. 100% sure!
The new coils are much shorter overall, and have a shorter contact pin, they're just different enough to that there's no way to make them fit!
I just got one today, the og Herakles did fit all the glorious Atlantis style coils in it, I never ran sense coils in mine, they didn't stack up to other coils I could put in it. I think that maybe why they changed it.
The tank sells for $20-$40, it doesn't take long to go through $40 worth of coils, so why make them interchangeable?

I was given the H+ because it leaked through the coil and into the airflow, previous own said it did it on all 3 coils they tried, so if I'm to try to figure out what's going on, and see if it's a usable tank, I gotta shell out for more coils... Cash is king!
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Feb 4, 2015
West Virginia
Thank you for the replies everyone! That's a bummer. The H Plus was an impulse buy for my man, although I got an good deal on it during the holidays. I hope they make a good rebuildable for it if anything. We never had the org tank so I cannot compare them but the reviews have been great so I took the plunge. Now to go find coils for it at a reasonable price.....


Full Member
Feb 7, 2016
Maple, canada
I'm new to vaping (2weeks now) and the first sub I got was the herakles plus. I have watched lots of YouTube videos on the H-plus and they are nothing but same old "reviews". They get the tanks for free so of course they say nothing but good things about it but tell u nothing about what u really want to know. I even talked to the vender that sold me the H-plus asking if I can get a rebuild able coil for it and he didn't know! So far it's not looking good but again I'm a new vaper


Full Member
Nov 20, 2015
There's ALOT if reviewers, some are honest, some are slanted, some are just plain on the take!
Just because they get it for free doesn't mean anything necessarily... For one, you got look at the source. For example, if they received the product from the manufacturer, that's a good reason to think they might be slanted or paid off, but lots of them will receive products from vendors that are basically giving the reviewer free stuff in order to get a plug for their .com site.
For the cost some free tanks a mod and a few bottles of juice a vendor can get a couple of good plugs from a reviewer with 40k-300k subscribers!
You can literally watch new .coms explode from this!
Really though, the reviewers that I watch, are generally pretty honest, in my opinion, that's why I watch them.
Another thing to consider, is that this stuff is often mass produced on a grand scale!
Quality control with some companies can be very hit and miss!
My h+ is gathering dust! In the meantime someone gave me a cyclone too, another send tank that is truly a fail!
My h+ is a loser, maybe they all are, I don't know, maybe it's the coil, I'm not shelling out $15 to find out that they all keep leaking... Not worth it!
I'll save that up and put it towards something I really want!
I'm no longing giving sense my business, they've failed to even respond to my polite request for an o ring that's missing( I replaced it myself but it still leaks), if they don't have the decency to respond to me, then .... em! They could tell me to eat a bag of dicks, that's better than no response!
So that coupled with the fact that the only product they've made that I was remotely satisfied with is the original herakles, which has now been far surpassed, tells me not to waste my time and money!
To be fair, when I get a good vape off my h+, it is indeed a good vape, but I've had better and without the hassle, and at lower watts...

Not that you asked, but IMO, the h+ isn't a good first subohm tank anyway, it's pretty intense, very finicky and fiddly... There's lots of more simple options in the same price range that will work better, tried and true stuff. Hopefully the vendor didn't suggest this tank as your first... If so, you might consider another vendor, just my opinion there, for what it's worth.
I don't thing think sense has made an rba head in the past, any tank that used premade coil heads is going to make more off sales of coils, lots more! So I wouldn't count on it!
In my experience, if you want a rebuildable, just buy a good rebuildable, subohm tanks with rba heads are kind of like a multitool, Jack of all trades, master of none!
You sound pretty sharp I'd say you can find a good rta that fits you with a little homework.
Or an rda if you haven't tried one, they're usually easier to deal with and get a taste for building, once you get a taste for it, prebuilt coils aren't very attractive!
Don't get discouraged @Kickboxr80, I assume you're vaping to quit smoking, if you made it 2 weeks and are stepping up to subohm stuff, there's s good chance you can stick with it, I never thought I'd kick those nasty things but I'm 5 months smoke free and have 0 interest in a cig!
It was hardest at first, I had ....ty gear, and not much of it, so if something had a hiccup, I was without nic! That's the worst, and it usually easier and cheaper upfront to just buy a pack of smokes! I almost did a few times! Now I have enough gear and juice steeping that it's no problem, I could go months without buying juice and have 6 or 8... Or 10 mods and I don't even know how many atties I have in the house, between me and the wife... Gobs of wire, cotton and stashed coil heads blah blah blah... We're actually on s tight budget, and the rule is spend less on vaping than we did on cigs, and we've kept to that, and we're spending less all the time as gear builds up!
I'm on a rip here... Voice to text... Anyway, you'll find good reviewers, there's several here, and better, solid, worthwhile gear, there's lots of good advice here too!
Pack up that h+, do you some research and find you something better!
Best of luck!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2015
West Virginia
I purchased the h+ for my man and he said the vape is great on it but it does leak and we really can't figure out what is causing it. He still uses it every day but it would be nice to fix the leaking issues. I would much rather have a rebuildable than rely on coils but it is what it is.

Speaking of finding an RDA that works for each person we both really love the Velocity by Tobeco. I prefer the mini but it has done really well for us. Great price too, I can't spend & 5+ on a tank or rda. That being said, I only use a dripper at home because I don't want the mess or fuss of it when I'm driving.

Reviewers are pretty much a base line and we don't watch many for that matter. I mainly watch them to get a closer look at the product, what it comes with and generally how it works. What one person loves the next will say is trash, so it really comes down to personal preference and build quality.
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