Senate Election Year! Has anyone compiled a list of those that oppose vaping?

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Star Puppy
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Nov 19, 2013
North Carolina
I'm trying my best to stay positive about us all banning together to save our way of vaping but some things just hit me in the face like a brick.
There are only about 119,000 members of CASAA. I have heard that at least 5 million people vape here in the USA. So only about 10% of the electoric or, could be a bit less as I realize not all vapers will vote.
Being as this is an election year it's very important to find out who is on our side. From what I know of politicians though they will tell you about anything to get elected.
The United States Senate Elections is November 8th of 2016, right around the corner. So how do some of these Senators vote on issues? Do we know who totally opposes vaping?
I'm trying to keep up with the one's like Senator Ron Johnson that are actually trying to do something about the regulations, but who else is helping?
Can we get a list compiled? I think now's the time to put them on blast insted of begging them to do something.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Apr 5, 2013
I really hate to say it, but how a potential Congresscritter feels about vaping is the least of my concerns this year. I can't think of any previous election year where I've been so disgusted by everyone involved in the process, including the candidates. Quite honestly, I'd love nothing more than to scratch the entire lot and start over from square one.


Sanctuary Denied

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Sep 6, 2013
Vancouver, Wa
I just received the same cookie cutter letter form Maria Cantwell (Washington state senator) I always get back. This time a thought I would share:

Thank you for contacting me about the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2015. I appreciate hearing from you on this important matter and sincerely regret the delayed response.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the authority to regulate cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, and all additional tobacco products. Under current law, tobacco products and e-cigarettes on the market before February 15, 2007 do not have to be reviewed by the FDA again. However, any tobacco products introduced after February 2007 will be considered new products and, therefore, must go through FDA’s approval process. There are efforts in Congress to reduce the regulation of these products, which I oppose.

As you may know, Representative Tom Cole has introduced legislation, the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2015, H.R. 2058. Unfortunately, this legislation would reverse the FDA’s decision to review e-cigarettes and tobacco products introduced on the market after February 2007. A companion legislation has not been introduced in the U.S. Senate.

I appreciate hearing your concerns about the FDA’s role in regulating new tobacco products. Please be assured that I will keep these concerns in mind should I have the opportunity to consider legislation on tobacco products in the Senate.

Thank you again for contacting me to share your thoughts on this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance.

Maria Cantwell
United States Senator

At least her cronies didn't sugar coat it.
Next time I hope to get a giant picture of a middle finger. :nah:
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Jan 27, 2010
Kansas City, Missouri
I really hate to say it, but how a potential Congresscritter feels about vaping is the least of my concerns this year. I can't think of any previous election year where I've been so disgusted by everyone involved in the process, including the candidates. Quite honestly, I'd love nothing more than to scratch the entire lot and start over from square one.

Position on vaping is a litmus test for intelligence, common sense, and mind set on excessive government regulation.
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