Seeking feedback from CASAA as to whether or not they would object to this in any way...

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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I have been brainstorming for years how to get the vendors involved, and in turn get their customers involved.
So far this is the best idea I've been able to come up with, for better or worse.

I am thinking of putting together an email that can be sent to any vendor...

SUBJECT: What you need to know about the pending FDA deeming regulations

I am a member of a consumer activist group named CASAA that fights for the rights of vapers.
I am just one of over 18,000 such members, and I am contacting you with the hope of increasing their membership and the strength of our collective voices.

It's free to join, and takes only a minute or so...
Become a CASAA Member

Attached is a one-page document that outlines reasons for concern that every vendor should be aware of as it relates to the future of their business.

The links below outline a strategy put together by CASAA for how the vaping world can best focus our efforts to affect the course of these regulations...
CASAA: Overview of CASAA's Action Plan Regarding Proposed FDA Regulations
CASAA: First Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations - Consumer Request for an Extension of Comment Period

It is my hope that you would consider utilizing your customer email database to make them aware of the links above.

And if you would consider doing so, there are materials available from CASAA that can assist you in helping to direct your customers to join these efforts...

CASAA E-cigarette Information Cards

CASAA Vendor Display Kit


It is my hope that the entire vaping world can join forces and work towards a future that is bright for vaping.
And I think that the best way to do that is one vaper at a time.

Thank you for your time and consideration...
And best of luck to you

So, what do you guys think?

Feel free to give feedback of any kind.
I want to get this ball rolling.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
I like it DC. I do understand the vendor's dilemma. Their customers can increase the numbers fighting but, also, they may fear the loss of business from those who are new to vaping and get scared off thinking "why change to vaping when its going to get destroyed?" I've seen the thinking right here on the boards so... just saying... I think some of them are in a quandary as to what to do. I imagine some are happy with letting their customers stay "dumb" as long as they can.


Supporting Member
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Jan 30, 2009
Des Moines, IA
I talk to vendors on a more or less daily basis, explaining to them the importance of sharing information with their customers about CASAA and encouraging customers to join. We never strong arm or demand anything . . . just point out why it's the right thing to do and why it makes sense. Almost without exception, vendors have been supportive.

So, yes, I think it's a good idea to contact the vendors you patronize so long as it's presented, as you've done, as a polite request rather than a demand. :)


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Update based on a new piece of input that I think is awesome...
Changes are in red font.

I am thinking of putting together an email that can be sent to any vendor...

SUBJECT: What you need to know about the pending FDA deeming regulations

I am a member of a consumer activist group named CASAA that fights for the rights of vapers.
I am just one of over 18,000 such members, and I am contacting you with the hope of increasing their membership and the strength of our collective voices.

It's free to join, and takes only a minute or so...
Become a CASAA Member

Attached is a one-page document that outlines reasons for concern that every vendor should be aware of as it relates to the future of their business.

Also, here is a link to a very well-developed way to advocate for your rights to pursue the interests of your business...
Call To Action: How Vaping Businesses Can Help Fight The Proposed FDA Deeming Regulations

The links below outline a strategy put together by CASAA for how the vaping world can best focus our efforts to affect the course of these regulations...
CASAA: Overview of CASAA's Action Plan Regarding Proposed FDA Regulations
CASAA: First Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations - Consumer Request for an Extension of Comment Period

It is my hope that you would consider utilizing your customer email database to make them aware of the links above.

And if you would consider doing so, there are materials available from CASAA that can assist you in helping to direct your customers to join these efforts...

CASAA E-cigarette Information Cards

CASAA Vendor Display Kit


It is my hope that the entire vaping world can join forces and work towards a future that is bright for vaping.
And I think that the best way to do that is one vaper at a time.

Thank you for your time and consideration...
And best of luck to you

So, what do you guys think?

Feel free to give feedback of any kind.
I want to get this ball rolling.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
I like what you're doing too DC:)

(although I'll mention that I started a thread recently, wondering why some vendors don't seem to support CASAA, and basically, it was mentioned that "it's too Political" .... sheesh.

But, but, but.... this whole thing IS political. There's no way to fight the FDA without getting political... or am I missing something. That said, I don't get where their opinion is coming from. Any ideas? I'm not even sure what it means.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 10, 2012
Also, here is a link to a very well-developed way to advocate for your rights to pursue the interests of your business...
Call To Action: How Vaping Businesses Can Help Fight The Proposed FDA Deeming Regulations

Very good link to add!

So Can I Use your idea here. I like it and want to get the attention of vendors in a polite way too:)
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Thanks for the feedback patkin.

I hear what you're saying, but I was hoping my efforts to reach out to them would inform them.
And then leave them with their own decisions to make.

Do you think that was done successfully?
Or do you see areas for improvement?

Thanks again.

Good job, DC!! My only suggestion is on your attached "reasons for concern". Maybe it's just me (I'm slow), but I found it hard after reading it to immediately understand the "threat", if I was a vender. I'm thinking if you add a "Summary or Conclusion" at the end that clearly states that if the Deeming regs are passed, this will be the "probable" impact on venders.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 26, 2012
I would also suggest that you send vendors these links and them to spread them around. When someone uses this system they write their legislator and become a CASAA member at the same time. So far this will only work in 5 state but I suspect more to come including a nationwide call to action using this.

CA: Send a Message

NC: Send a Message

NY: Send a Message

MO: Send a Message

NJ: Send a Message


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2010
Just to let you know.
I (a vendor) am guilty for lack of involvement.
Today I am sending a $1000 check to Casaa, printing material for our customers, and verbally asking customers to get involved.
I agree, way to many vendors (guilty here) not involved or "working" at this.

I am starting "a new day" :)

I've never purchased anything from Vapor Alley.
You're my next go-to.

Sidetracked a lot this week: commitment - send that stuff to the Md. vendors I've gathered tomorrow.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2009
Easton, MD
Thanks Aubergine,
I really wasn't "boasting", I just want more people (especially) vendors to get involved, looks like the sky is falling on us here.
I was asking (walk in) customers today, most all know nothing, they haven't heard of Casaa, don't seem to care, and are otherwise not involved.
I asked 1 of my employees today if he was a Casaa member...nope.
Gonna ask another employee tomorrow, I'm assuming his answer will also be no.
Casaa has 18K members? That number should be 100K +

I ordered some material from Casaa today (should've done that a year ago) and will be handing out the Casaa cards to each and every store and online customer.

I just hope and pray this is not the end, I really don't want to go back to fixing cars :(
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