See this? - New York Ban on Electronic Cigarettes Endangers Public Health

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John Phoenix

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Apr 12, 2011
New Orleans
New York Ban on Electronic Cigarettes Endangers Public Health

Source: New York Ban on Electronic Cigarettes Endangers Public Health - Yahoo! Finance

I like this angle and the article so I thought I'd repost it. This may help relieve some pressure on E-cigs not just in NY but other places as well.

MIAMI, Feb. 9, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Two new studies available online and being published in the April edition of the American Journal of Preventative Medicine find that electronic cigarettes produces abstinence rates nearly double that of traditional nicotine replacement methods and that consumer interest in e-cigarettes is currently much higher than interest in traditional nicotine replacement products.

The studies, led by Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) researcher Michael Siegel and John Ayers, a doctoral candidate at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, provide the first unbiased material conducted on the use of electronic cigarettes. They provide new information in contrast to previous studies being distributed by opponents of tobacco harm reduction.
"This study suggests that electronic cigarettes are helping thousands of ex-smokers remain off cigarettes," said lead author of the Boston University study, Michael Siegel.

Boston Researchers discovered a 31 percent success rate among respondents to the study six months after their first purchase of an electronic cigarette. Average success rates among traditional nicotine replacement methods such as nicotine patches or gum only have a 12-18 percent success rate.

While additional studies need to done on what contributes to the effectiveness of electronic cigarettes, Siegel said he believes there is a link between satisfying the physical behavior of smoking and resulting success in quitting.

"While it is well-recognized that nicotine plays a role in smoking addiction, little attention has been given to the behavioral aspects of the addiction," he said. "These devices simulate the smoking experience, which appears to make them effective as a smoking cessation tool."

Electronic cigarettes, battery-powered devices which deliver a vaporized nicotine solution, have surged in popularity since coming onto the market over three years ago and remain controversial. New York—along with other States--is currently considering a bill which would outlaw the sale of e-cigarettes.

"Banning this product would invariably result in many ex-smokers returning to cigarette smoking," Siegel said. "Removing electronic cigarettes from the market would substantially harm the public's health."

V2 Cigs, one of the top e-cigarette companies on the market and non-profit group CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association) are working to withdraw New York bill A01468.
Jay Meistrell, a senior executive with V2Cigs, submitted the Seigel and Ayers studies to the Chair of the NYS Assembly Health Committee, Richard N. Gottfried. "These studies bring to light the effectiveness of e-cigarettes. Banning the sale of electronic cigarettes is robbing people of the chance to try a product that really works," said Mr. Meistrell.

Boston University School of Public Health:
V2 Cigs is the fastest growing electronic cigarette company in the United States. For more information, please visit
American Journal of Preventive Medicine: Contact the editorial office at (858) 534-9340 or
Siegel MB, Tanwar KL, Wood KS. Electronic cigarettes as a smoking-cessation tool: results from an online survey. Am J Prev Med 40(4), 2011.
Contact - Marri Mutrux - 877-378-2767 ext: 803
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