Securing Your Sensitive Personal Information

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Senior Member
Sep 24, 2009
Roanoke, Va
Note: I wasn't sure where this should go but if there is a more appropriate location for this and someone would please move it there, I would appreciate it.

While browsing a little while ago, I was going to try some of their carts and buy an E9 battery, but changed my mind when I went to checkout. I found that the initial page that collects all of your address and contact information, was not secured. I then began to wonder, with all of these people reselling and putting up websites overnight to get into the e-cig business, how rampant this issue may be.

As such, I just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention and suggest that you be careful when buying online in general, but extra careful with vendors in this business because it seems like there are quite a few 'fly-by-night' resellers popping up on a daily basis (some of whom could care less about the security of your personal information).

It is highly likely that once you proceed to the payment info page at, that they have that portion secured, but with how damaging idenity theft can be and how common it is becoming, I'm not willing to take a chance with what amounts to 90% of the information someone needs to steal my identity (name, address, phone, email). I sent a request pointing this out, but I thought it would be a good idea to share a word of caution with my fellow vapers.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2009
Roanoke, Va
As a folow-up, e-cig responded to my notification and said they fixed the problem, but they clearly have not. I sent them the following response:

I'm sorry but the page is still not secured. When a customer clicks "Checkout", the page it takes you to needs to be secured ( because you are asking them to login. Login credentials should be passed to the server securely.

Also, when you signup as a new customer by clicking "Sign Up", the page it takes you to needs to be secured:
You are asking for sensitive customer information here (name, address, email, phone, etc.) and this information needs to be passed to the server securely.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2009
Roanoke, Va
My pleasure. Thank you to whomever moved the thread for me.

Like I said, be very careful with your suppliers, there are alot of 'fly-by-night businesses' getting in on the e-cig action. Look for the lock and the 'https' at the bare minimum, anytime that you get ready to send information to them that you deem sensitive. I think it would be safe to say also that the suppliers listed here are likely doing things properly, but just be cautious. Once your personal info gets out there (on the Internet) into the wrong hands, you've got serious problems. It's perfectly safe to do business online, as long as the poeple you're doing business with, are taking the proper precautions to secure your information.

After informing e-cig on the second attempt, that I had notifed the users here of their oversight, they did finally fix the securing their ENTIRE website :rolleyes: Now every page you go to on their site, is secured. I guess overkill is better than oversight ;)


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2009
Roanoke, Va
Call me paranoid but I always use "throw away" or "pre paid" credits cards for online transactions.

Paranoid? Maybe a little bit........not a bad idea though. I went a different route though and rather than just protecting myself from one type of risk (online purchases), signed up for LifeLock. A $1 Million Service Guarantee and the CEO posts his SS# on their website? Pretty much goes beyond credit monitoring using a proactive approach, rather than reactive.
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