Searching for Sassafras, help please?

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Nov 15, 2010
Charlotte, NC
Hoping you guys can help me out. Back before I moved from Wichita back to the Carolinas I managed to aquire a taste for a really nice and strong Sassafras juice that the Vape shop in Wichita made. I absolutely love the stuff, but he doesn't do online payment processing or shipment, so I'm SOL and up the creek without my juice.

I keep looking for a decent reputable online vendor that has the flavor, but so far all I've found is the base Loranne concentrate, and I'm not quite sure if that was the flavor base used or not. I have a bottle heading my way anyway though to give it a DIY test. I just hate fidgeting with the recipe till I get it honed in and waiting weeks between test batches for steep times.

So do any of you guys know of an decent online vendor that sells a Sassafras juice? MFS used to have on, but I don't see it anymore in their offerings, and I'm not looking for a Root Beer flavor, the sassafras was a really pungent, and almost sweet rooty flavor, like root beer on steroids, and I miss it. So suggestions anybody?


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Nov 15, 2010
Charlotte, NC

Thanks, I'll give them a try then. I saw them in one of my Google searches, but had never heard anything about them. Partly my fault though, got spoiled in Wichita having a vape shop 5 mins away from work, so my online juice orders dropped to a small select few vendors.

Ahlusion has a sassafras called W&A Sassafras. It is like the root!

I keep trying to order from them. Heard a lot of good about Ahlusion, but I'm at work when they open up shop for the day, and it seems every time I check to place an order they are at the daily limit by the time I get home at night. I'll keep checking though, and mebe I'll get lucky one day. The torturous part is that we have interwebz at work, but we cant use it for personal stuff, even on breaks.....and they watch net usage like hawks :facepalm:


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Nov 15, 2010
Charlotte, NC
I recon Sassafrass would be really easy to extract - here in Oz you can buy it from health food stores and I think this methode would work for it

We have the trees growing around here, I can harvest the root myself if I had the time or motivation for it. I have a love/hate relationship with DIY juice due to the fact that I'm a tinkering perfectionist, lol I'll fuss around and make 4-5 batches of the same flavor, while waiting weeks for steep times tinkering with the mix till I get it where I want it. Ordering pre-made juice though, I take what i get, and if I like it good, if not I keep searching or let it steep some more and test again. At the very least I push it off on some of my converts to vaping and let them take a taste to see if it is a match for them.
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