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Scientific evidence supports creation by God!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 25, 2010
Denver, Colorado
Hey guys,
I just wanted to know what everyone thinks of this.

Scientific Evidence that God Created Life

I saw it in a post in the Christian Vapers forum and figured it would be more than rude to try and argue the point in the thread I saw it. So I have made this thread just to see what everyone has to say. I have not bothered to read the entire article because I stopped to do some research on the very first point that was made. This point is:

"Proteins are so hard to make that in all of nature, they never form except in already living cells. Never!"

I quickly found some information from reliable sources that this is in fact false. Amino acids, under the right circumstances, can form into proteins. Personally I think this whole article must be misinformation. Religious fanatics seem to believe whatever they are told without question because if they decided to use critical thinking they would begin to realize things that would invalidate a large portion of their lives. I'll stop there.

Let me know what you think.


Bearded Super Villain
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Apr 30, 2011
Behind you
Their argument will always hinge on "nature" or the complexity of reaching stability based over time. They'll always say that sure, it happened, with "Intelligent Design" of the researchers. There are a few threads in the OUTSIDE! that go down this road. They'll start citing Dembski, and the Flagellum, complexity, entropy, and Jerrydon10 has his own theory, ..

The page you post has the laundry list, most/all of which was covered in the last OUTSIDE! thread on the topic....


*shrug* -Magnus


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Sep 5, 2010
    in a cave, eh?
    I hate it when extremist Christians spout scientific facts and then use that as a springboard to launch the discussion into complete flights of fancy. It's annoying trying to separate fact from fiction and then figure out all the facts they carefully omitted from the discussion.

    However, you could just sum up the article as: once again life appears to be so insanely complex that only God could have created it. Science doesn't know everything, so you need to go to the bible to get all of your facts.


    Ultra Member
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    Jan 14, 2011
    portland OR
    Pure garbage. The only reason religious people would need scientific 'proof' of god's existence is so they can pollute schoolrooms with this nonsense. I'll never understand why they aren't content with keeping god in the church.
    If a god existed and wanted to provide proof of it's existence, the proof would be obvious and unequivocal. Better yet, a god could just design a universe where atheism is not possible.


    Super Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
    Denver, Colorado
    After finding this article I began to search for other articles that are similar and I found some truly ridiculous misinformation.
    Things like "God created science therefore science carries all the eveidence you need in order to prove his existence." and "The earth cannot be 350million or more years old. God purposely skewed the results of each and every carbon dating test in order to test the faith of man. That is all the evidence you need."

    You know when I read things like this it angers me to believe that there are millions of people out there who refuse to think for themselves. They love to hide under their mask of ignorance and at the same time accuse others of doing the same. It just kind of makes me sick to my stomach.


    ECF Guru
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  • Sep 5, 2010
    in a cave, eh?
    Well, people can believe whatever they want. It's a free country. But, when they try to force their beliefs on others. When they indoctrinate their children in the same crap... :mad:

    You know someone's lying their ... off when crap like this is written. They try to befuddle you with half truths. Their conclusions aren't in anyway supported by their arguments. It's all B.S. and complicated B.S. at that.


    Senior Member
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    Aug 3, 2011
    Amarillo, Tx.
    Why do creationists find it so hard to accept that our wonderfully complex universe just happens to be what it is without a designer? They, instead, expect us to accept an even more fantastic assertion that a designer which is more complex than our universe has always existed without a creator. :facepalm:
    I think I will go with the simpler explanation that can be tested and be more thoroughly understood with observation and experimentation.


    Vaping Master
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    Aug 18, 2011
    Oh hello! I just found this board. I'm very pleased to see an atheist board here.

    I was skimming through this topic and I was getting ready to post the same thing Needo did a few posts above.

    How does the invocation of an extremely complex 'god' who was not created but was simply 'always there' make the explanation of life and complexity any simpler? It doesn't. That's why this argument always boggles me. "Amino acids are too complex to have ever just happen, so therefore my even more complex deity (who conveniently did not need to be created because he was already there) must have made them". Pure cognitive dissonance.


    Senior Member
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    Aug 3, 2011
    Amarillo, Tx.
    "Irreducible Complexity"

    When I here those two words uttered together, I feel a deep sense of pity for the speaker. I have a difficult time continuing the discussion. I just don't want to hurt the other person's feelings when they are at least making an attempt at understanding evolution and biogenesis. Some of these individuals do eventually break the rust loose.
    Anybody else have similar experiences?


    Vaping Master
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    Aug 18, 2011
    You betcha. My racquetball buddy asked if I'd be interesting in taking my kids to the Creationist Museum with her (we live close, unfortunately). My immediate reaction was, "OMFSM! No way in hell!" Then I had to back track and try not to sound so mean, because she's really a nice person.

    I also had an interesting discussion about the Celestial Teapot with my Jehovah's Witness lady that frequently comes by to try to save me. She used to bring another lady, but I think the other lady asked me too many questions for the first lady's taste, so she doesn't tag along anymore.


    Super Member
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    Jul 25, 2011
    Hayward, WI
    "The earth cannot be 350million or more years old. God purposely skewed the results of each and every carbon dating test in order to test the faith of man. That is all the evidence you need."

    When someone starts making these odd claims about the nature of God you start getting a weirder and weirder God.


    ECF Guru
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  • Sep 5, 2010
    in a cave, eh?
    Aw, you passed up a chance to go to the Creationist Museum?! Two words: dinosaur rides. :D

    Regarding the skewing of carbon dating tests. Carbon dating is only accurate to about 60,000 years or so. To go back further, you need radiometric dating using isotopes (uranium-235, -238, potassium-40, etc.) with longer half-lives. And you find those elements not in the dinosaur bones or the sedimentary rocks they're uncovered from, but in igneous rock found in the same rock layers.

    So, carbon dating doesn't work for dinosaurs, etc. But, you can bet the proselytizers armed with a tiny bit of science and a whole lot of hubris are all over the "carbon dating" thing as being wildly inaccurate and "proof" that science is mistaken.

    If you believe that the earth is only 6,000 years or so, then carbon dating would be perfect for everything. :)
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