Sabot DDD for the Billet Box

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Sep 2, 2009
I honestly can not stand cartomizers. I've moved away from them a few yrs ago and I feel like I'm taking a step back to go back to a sub par vape just to use my billet box. It's a shame really because this mod is so beautiful and there's really no GREAT atty solution for it.

I placed an order for Sophia atty so hoping this will work. But I was told for the Sophia I have to use NR-r-NR wire setup which is a pain

Until the if/when, ckim, have you tried a standard (slotted) karto?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2013
Does anyone besides me have a problem with the air control ring shorting out the head?I have been through 6 heads,because the are shorting out against the air flow ring.What can I use to stop this?I'm running it with out the ring till I can think of something to stop this.

How about a pic of the bottom of your Sabot with an ARO in place. While the tolerances are tight, you should not be having anything shorting. Though we did make a post in the beginning about being very careful not to turn the air flow control too far down as it could get close to shorting against the contact pad on the BB. Other than that, not really sure what else could be happening without a pic. Also confused as to how that could ruin your ARO head? If it is shorting, the current would be bypassing the coil via the short and just trip the batteries built in over current circuit. So lets start with some pics and go from there.


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Mar 22, 2013
Well Dang! Allergy's back again and can't draw very well, but this wonderfull Sabot-DDD is a trouper. Still no leaking only have a bit of condensation from not being able to draw all the vaper outta the tube now. Any idea's to what can be done for this? Was thinking a bigger o ring for the bottom of copper screw at top of Billet Box. Unsure as to what to go ask for thou or if it would make it too tight to get out.

Had to tell ya all I have had the same head with wick replace with rayon in one of my Sabot-DDDs for a month now. It is still going strong. with lots of flavor and vapor even with my poor draws. Please tell me if ya ever make some more of these would like another one or two. Lost the bottom while changing the head of one and thought it was a goner. With all the :cry: I couldn't find it anywhere! Thank goodness finally found it in the paper towel I was using after looking under and over everything on and around my TV tray used to do the work. The paper towel was with a few others set to the side to be trashed. Boy was just luck they had not been tossed yet. :facepalm:

Hope everyone else is having a great experience with these. The Sabot-DDD in the Billet Box is my life saver. Again THANKS for making these fantastic Sabot-DDDs. I LOVE MINE!!!!!!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2013
Well Dang! Allergy's back again and can't draw very well, but this wonderfull Sabot-DDD is a trouper. Still no leaking only have a bit of condensation from not being able to draw all the vaper outta the tube now. Any idea's to what can be done for this? Was thinking a bigger o ring for the bottom of copper screw at top of Billet Box. Unsure as to what to go ask for thou or if it would make it too tight to get out.

Had to tell ya all I have had the same head with wick replace with rayon in one of my Sabot-DDDs for a month now. It is still going strong. with lots of flavor and vapor even with my poor draws. Please tell me if ya ever make some more of these would like another one or two. Lost the bottom while changing the head of one and thought it was a goner. With all the :cry: I couldn't find it anywhere! Thank goodness finally found it in the paper towel I was using after looking under and over everything on and around my TV tray used to do the work. The paper towel was with a few others set to the side to be trashed. Boy was just luck they had not been tossed yet. :facepalm:

Hope everyone else is having a great experience with these. The Sabot-DDD in the Billet Box is my life saver. Again THANKS for making these fantastic Sabot-DDDs. I LOVE MINE!!!!!!

If you have one of the early brass screw connectors with o-ring (like mine), it does have a thinner o-ring than they use on it now. But I have heard some people with the new o-ring have pulled out the Sabot accidentally as it is tight. The o-ring should be the same one used on a drip tip, so if you have extra drip tip O-rings or an old drip tip sitting around, try using those. If it is tight, just lubricate the o-ring. I may try doing that myself. Unfortunately I don't have an o-ring from the newer brass screw to measure, so not sure of the exact size, but if I find one, will post the dimensions. Let us know how it goes if you find one.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2013
OK, just a follow up about the O-ring on the BB brass screw. Just so happens, I bought a BB care kit several months back and it had the new O-ring included. So I measured and here are the results: 1.5mm thick x 6mm inside diameter x 9mm outside diameter. Seems more snug than original, but no problems with it getting stuck.

Big Screen D

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Aug 5, 2011
Hey all you Billet Box aficionados with a SABOT-DDD.

I hope to put up some pics and a tutorial Thursday for a vertical coil variant that is working for me better than any coil I've ever put in a SABOT-DDD.

Cliff notes version is it's a 30ga, closely spaced, but not touching 1.8 ohm vertical coil, 5/64's ID, with Rayon packing. Absolutely outstanding.

I have two up and running one with 50/50 juice, and the other with 100%VG. Wish I had taken some pics of the builds, but didn't. I'm off work on Thursday and hope to build some more heads and will post some pics here then.

Big Screen D

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Aug 5, 2011
Looking forward to seeing that BSD! I've been enjoying the Aspire BVC coils in the Billet Bridge. But alas I am a man in need of options...

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Reading a lot of good things about the Aspire BVC. I presume BVC=Bottom Vertical Coil?

Wonder where they got that idea lol.

Of course I got the idea from carto's haha.

Until now, I've been making these off and on with micro ( touching coils) with varying degrees of success for quite some time now. Changing from a micro coil, to a traditional spaced coil, along with replacing cotton with Jeremy's awesome discovery of Rayon as the wicking material, really has this set up working great.

Heading to my vape workshop, AKA dining room now to build one now. I'll post some pics later this evening...unless Mrs. BSD gives me too much hassle lol.
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"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
C'mon DPL it doesn't matter how good it looks or sounds you'll never build any. Who you kiddin'? :D

Correct you are, Mr. Snake. And how DID you know??? :D

HOWEVAH, I can still LIKE it. And I do.

BSD might well be responsible for the single best creation I've tried to date. And I tip my hat to him that.

Big Screen D

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Aug 5, 2011
OK SABOT head modders. Get the magnifying headgear out, and a cold one to steady the hands. Tis a tricky build, but it just freaking rocks! ( Mrs. BSD thinks I'm sexy with my "head thingy" on :p ) Would have posted this a while ago, but, well with the head gear and all, I was, well delayed a bit;)

The coil is wound on a 5/64ths bit, 6/7 wrap of 30ga Kanthal. This makes a 1.8-.1.9 ohm coil which allows use of the full range of the Billet Box voltage range while keeping under the 3 amp limit.

First pic is the coil wound tight and touching. I find it easier to bend the tails while the coil is not yet spread out. Use enough wire, about 5" so the tails are left long enough to grab both to help position the coil later. The bent over leg is the negative connection. Make them so they are opposing, and won't short to each other.

Here is the coil stretched out and spaced. Just spread it apart and adjust so the spacing is pretty even and close, but no longer touching.

After snipping off the top ledge of the grommet, put the coil in as shown with the grommet only partially seated. Grasp both tails tightly to adjust up or down in unison to prevent deforming the coil. The top of the coil should be close to the top about as shown. Place the coil so that the top (negative) leg is not near a wick slot. Bend the negative leg over at the bottom to hold it in place and adjust the coil as needed with the bit so the coil is in line with the air hole...dead center. Now bend over the positive leg and push the positive connection pin on in. Again, adjust the coil to dead center and check the spacing. Best done before snapping off the legs.


The head now ready for wicking. I like to use a Protank base, and put it on a VV mod to check ohms, and briefly dry fire 4-5 times. Fire just until the coil glows to prevent burning the for now dry rubber grommet. The coil will deform a bit at this point, so use the bit to straighten it up one last time, and it will now be stable.

I use a small blunt needle...20ga??? to work the Rayon around the coil. Just gently tamp it in all around the coil in a circular manner until all voids are filled leaving the bit in to keep the air way clear. It's much easier to do by priming the Rayon rather than trying to do it dry all the way first. As you feel that about as much has gone in has it should, use a scissors to trim the excess wick that will be poking up, and just continue to form the wick right up to the top of the cup. There is a little feel factor here that gets easier once done a few times.

Now the beauty of Rayon in this configuration, is not only does it wick MUCH better than cotton, it doesn't swell and the airway stays clear even with wick filling the cup. When the bit is removed, you should be able to look clear through the coil to the airway.


SABOT-DDD BVC ready to be tanked:D


I'm into the third tank full of Boba's Bounty coil destroyer juice on the one I made over the weekend, and it shows no sign of needing attention whatsoever. Oh, this really needs to be 30ga wire. 28ga will fit, and I would prefer to use it since it's easier to work with, but it's tough to get over 1.2 ohms or so. Just not comfortable with that low of resistance in my BB. Afraid I'll forget what tank I have in and stress my precious. Haven't tried 32ga, but I'm pretty sure it's to flimsy to work with. Might be worth a try if that's all you have, but wire is next to free, so get the right stuff!

Folks, this build is really good. For those that have tried before with a micro coil and or cotton, forget that. This is da bomb.
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