RY4 Flavor question

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Feb 24, 2011
Eastern Shore, Maryland
I bought RY4 flavor from The Flavor Apprentice. I don't know what RY4 is supposed to taste like (strong, mellow, sweet, etc).

I have looked for Recipe's for it, to try and determine what percentage I should use to mix with my nic/pg and VG.

I did the following to produce 24mg 10ml RY4 juice:

50% 48mg nic/pg
30% VG
05% distilled water
15% RY4 flavor.

To me it seems kind of strong but I don't know where the 'strong' is coming from. I have not steeped it. So could it be I am getting traces of 48mg nic if it's not mixed good enough ? Or have I added too much RY4 ? I guess the question is, what's the typical percentage of RY4 used to create a bottle of RY4 liquid @ 24mg nic ?

I tried looking up RY4 recipe for this but I couldn't find it in the spreadsheet. I found what looks like how to make RY4 flavor but not the liquid itself.


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Mar 3, 2011
Awesomeville, FL
I make mine stronger, so I put more than the 4 drops in. That 4 drops amount was recommended to me a long time ago.
Next time, make a 3ml batch with no nicotine so you can tweak the flavor and not waste so much money (nicotine is the $$$ part).
I think at 15%, it might be toooo perfumey??? I suck at math so I can't tell you how much PG/VG to add- I use Scubabatdan's Calculator.
Anyhow, I find that PA's RY4 is more of a base flavor. It's nice to add Caramel, Peanut Butter and Marsmellow to it to give it some oomph.


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Jan 30, 2010
Yes. Definitely add other flavors to it. Try gettin some ethyl maltol. It adds that sweet, cotton candy type flavor that RY4 has.

IMO PA's RY4 isn't that great. I've only made a few batches with it so far, but everytime it has a very floral, chemical taste to it. There may be something that you could add to mask the floral part but Im not sure yet. Still waiting for some other flavors to arrive.

I like Flavourart oRYental 4 better, although its not the typical classic Ruyan/Dekang RY4.


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Oct 1, 2010
Athens, GA
I like litecigusa's RWHY4 mixed with MB (Marlboro); I like the RWHY4 flavor, but it's very weak and so it's nice to add to a tobacco base, diluted some. Or just straight-up Dekang RY4 from madvapes, which can be diluted about 25% without getting weak.

Be careful with measuring using drops. The container/dropper/pipette/syringe will make a difference, as will the viscosity of whatever you're dropping, I think. I use a graduated syringe to measure, though it's less effective for really small finished quantities.

I am not a big fan of PA RY4. Adding peanut butter or caramel sounds like a really good idea, though, and I might try it.

By the way, I've tried a few times to concoct my own RY4 flavoring, and haven't had much luck. In fact, most DIY flavorings don't really work for me at all, as they leave me with a weird artificial, tincture-y aftertaste that I find unpleasant. And don't ask what exactly "tincture-y" means, because I have no idea. ;-)


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Jan 30, 2010
I like litecigusa's RWHY4 mixed with MB (Marlboro); I like the RWHY4 flavor, but it's very weak and so it's nice to add to a tobacco base, diluted some. Or just straight-up Dekang RY4 from madvapes, which can be diluted about 25% without getting weak.

Be careful with measuring using drops. The container/dropper/pipette/syringe will make a difference, as will the viscosity of whatever you're dropping, I think. I use a graduated syringe to measure, though it's less effective for really small finished quantities.

I am not a big fan of PA RY4. Adding peanut butter or caramel sounds like a really good idea, though, and I might try it.

By the way, I've tried a few times to concoct my own RY4 flavoring, and haven't had much luck. In fact, most DIY flavorings don't really work for me at all, as they leave me with a weird artificial, tincture-y aftertaste that I find unpleasant. And don't ask what exactly "tincture-y" means, because I have no idea. ;-)

Have you tried flavourart yet? I think their flavorings are great. No unpleasant flavors lurking in the background.

And yes, drops are indeed unreliable. Sometimes I can get 40 drops from one ml and sometimes less. Pipettes and syringes work great.


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Mar 4, 2011
Southern California
I recently tried to find out about flavors to add to my DIY mix. The vendor I contacted was rude but he did tell me I should be using 30% flavor...sounds really high to me. I've been using about 18%, as I read between 12-20 was about right. I must be all messed up, but my juice seems fine to me. Is it suppose to be only 1-2%, really?


Unregistered Supplier
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Aug 4, 2009
Desertlover, if it tastes good to you then that is right for you. This is what DIY is all about, getting the juice to fit you instead of pre-mades where you must fit the juice.
and Holy cow.. 30%?!?

I always suggest to start low on flavoring.. (you can add more to bring the taste up to your liking ) mix with pg or vg. Wait to add the nic until you know how much flavor you like. a good starting point is 10% with most flavors, though if when you smell it, its super strong like Tiramasu.. 5% is a better starting place :) Hope that helps!
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