RN4081 vs. Smokeless Image Volt

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Volt is a KR808D-1, so like other KR808D-1 devices it is a real 3.7v slim mini

You can also find KR808D-1 at Vapor4Life (their stuff is all KR808D-1), or a basic black or steel kit at LiteCigUSA.net

KR808D-1 is the most popular 2-piece threading so there is a decent variety of blank carto styles.

I recommend manual batteries - easier to get a good h8it and much less chance of damaging a battery with a juice leak


Full Member
Jul 12, 2011
Laurel, MD
My friend had bought a E-Cig from a stand at the mall called Smoke Free. I assume it's an RN4081 from what I've read. I read bad things about it, honestly, I had no issues, and wound up buying the Volcano and was unhappy. I've recently purchased the Smokeless Image Volt, but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm just curious about their differences.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Well, the RN4081 is a great atomizer.
And if you get a manual battery for it, you should be all set.

The problem with many models is that they come with an automatic battery.
This can be a source of major hassle and frustration.

But if a person wants an automatic battery, no matter what, there are good ones coming out lately.
The Volt, the Bloog MaxxFusion, and the Echo sound like they are good models in that respect.

And if you want to pay a little more, and use what the celebrities are using, check out the SmokeStik.
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