RN-4081/DSE-103 and DSE-901 - Is it just me?

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Full Member
Mar 25, 2009
I've been vaping for a few months now, having cast my lot with the RN-4081/DSE-103.

All in all, it hasn't been bad at all. I regularly clean my atomizers and, in addition to the couple of kits I purchased to get me started, I've also amassed an array of juices, spare batteries, atomizers, cartridges, and pass-throughs to make sure I wouldn't be bound to any single source if they proved to be shoddy, and ensure what I experience would be relatively representative of the model's performance. And for the most part, with the exception of a component failure or two, my RN-4081s have performed very similarly, producing reasonable (though not copious) amounts of vapor, with occasional inconsistencies in draw.

After reading the forums for quite a bit, as many people seem to favor the RN-4081 over the DSE-901 than don't. The majority of feedback is that despite their individual differences, they tend to be fairly similar in performance. Perhaps a more accurate statement would be that they tend to be described as being more similar than they are different.

Although I'm very motivated to keep going with the model I've invested so much into supporting, I decided to try the DSE-901 and was absolutely amazed by how easy the draw is and the consistency of the vapor production. By comparison, I don't need to create any unusual pressure to draw from the DSE-901 like I do from the RN-4081. I've tried a variety of cartridges, atomizers, and juices and the results continue to be the same. The difference isn't just slight; it's quantum.

Of course, this makes me wonder if I have somehow been doing something "wrong" with the RN-4081 all this time. Apart from their physical differences, I otherwise use the two models identically, vaping from blank cartridges I fill (and top-off) until it's time to replace them. I simply can't account for such a drastic difference between them, and if I had to choose between them, I'd pick the 901 hands down over the 4081/103. I can only describe it as the 901 working like I would have hoped an e-cig to be, while the 4081/103 is half-baked.

Now, I know this can't entirely be the case given the amount of reported satisfaction with the 4081, even allowing for subjectiveness. I'm hoping there might be another Vaper who has had both and can offer their thoughts as to whether what I'm experiencing is common, or if there's something about the way I'm using the 4081/103 that might be making it perform more poorly than it should.

I'd be grateful for any helpful guidance from those who have walked in my footsteps before me.

Thanks in advance.

Randall Fox

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2009
Sparks, NV, USA
I sell e-cigs in a retail shop (also starting a website soon). Before buying inventory, I got samples from every Chinese supplier I could find.

I found the 901 to be a much better unit than the 4081/103 units. In fact, I couldn't find one of the regular cigarette sized units I felt comfortable selling other than the M401, which is quite a bit larger than the 4081/103's, and I tried about 10 different models.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2008
My first e-cig was a 4801 (super mini), after hearing so many positive things about the 901 I got one of those. Ever since then I've stuck to my 901, keeping my RN4081 as a spare. I sell both the RN4801 and the 901 on my site, but I go as far as recommending the 901 (mini) over the super mini in the product blurb.

I personally think that the super mini is great if you want something that 'looks' like a regular cig, but the 901 gives that extra kick. Just my opinion!



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May 11, 2009
I think you are confusing that most people prefer the RN-4075/DSE-901 (copy) to the original SLB DSE-901 and are not preferring the 4081/DSE103 to the 901 models. Not sure I have ever seen someone post that, perhaps you misread the posts???

I disagree, though...

I think you will find that the latest original 901 "SLB" models are far superior to the copy 901's RN models in every regard. Easier draw, better batteries, better overall quality, etc...

I have both and cast my lot on the SLB brand as far as 901's. Most will disagree with me here, but I wonder if they have tried the latest SLB 901's. (mine all had an inspection tag of around the end of April 2009).

Again for me there is no comparison, my thinking is that the SLB must have been updated since everyone else formed their opinion as I am fairly new to this.

I really find the RN-4075 to be built with much less quality and not as smooth of draw, issues with stuck switches on batteries, etc. I hear it burns hotter or something and maybe gives better throat hits, but I have not shared in that experience. My SLB 901s ALL work great, are built great, provide great throat hit, hold a bunch of juice and produce a bunch of vapor...

The newest ones have a dual colored LED, 2mm shorter battery, and are stamped SLB at the atty and battery connections.

I might have been turned off by the 901 if I had ONLY the RN-4075 to test initially, but I ordered from a few suppliers and lucked out in getting only two of the RN-4075's and everything else SLB. I remeber being really worried that a fairly big order I had placed was going to come in all RN-4075 after seeing the differences and using both. I was relieved when that order came with the latest SLB kits/parts. I now look for suppliers that specifically sell the SLB model.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
I fully concur with your observations as well madlock. The draw on my RN4081 is brutal compared to my 901. Plus the cartridges are SO much easier to top off. I also agree with Glock that the SLB 901s are superior. I've got parts for both and have found a huge difference. Just love the SLB atomizers so much more.

Back to the RN4081, I really believe it gave me a good start but it wasn't until I got my 901 that I was sure that vaping was for me. I've had to fall back on the super mini a time or two but I always end up with more liquid in my mouth than vapor. Bleck.
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