Review videos - They don't seem to inhale.

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Feb 28, 2012
I posted this here, because I wanted everyone who reads this to understand that I'm totally new to this, so people don't beat me up too badly.

I have watched at least 100 video reviews and demonstrations in the last week, along with reading discussions about equipment and liquids for 6 straight days - about 12 hours each day. There are only a few reviewers who actually inhale the vapor. They suck and suck and suck forever, and then blow the vapor out without inhaling. I have seen some of them, possibly accidentally, inhale slightly and start coughing. Some blow some of the vapor out of their noses, but don't actually inhale.

One reviewer who always inhales the vapor - like you would inhale smoke from an analog - is SteelJan. She also doesn't suck on her mod or volt for so long and dump a bunch of un-inhaled vapor into the air.

There are also a few who inhale very slightly, but don't inhale like you would smoke from an analog.
In one video the guy was reviewing WTA juice. He acted like he got high on the vapor, yet if you watch the video, he drew in a ton of vapor but hardly inhaled any of it. Hmmm. It makes me question what caused his buzz or whether he was "buzzed" before he started filming.

Some people in discussions claim 1ml cartomizer or carto only lasts in one hour. Is that because they are not actually inhaling. Also, some of these reviewers and posters are using 36mg nicotine liquid, claiming they can't stay off of analogs if they don't use the 36mg stuff. Others say they have started with 18mg. and have gradually stepped down to 6mg and are off of analogs.

When I smoke (I still do as others here still do) I inhale fairly deeply. I can open my mouth and no smoke escapes until I actually exhale. So many videos show people losing vapor out of their mouths immediately.

Am I wrong to ask why they are not inhaling? How can they absorb any nicotine if they don't inhale?
Either I don't understand how they are vaping, or they ever smoked analogs, or something. Maybe someone can explain this to me.

Any opinions - negative or positive - I can take it! Just don't ignore me forever because of this post.



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Sep 4, 2011
There's no right way to smoke anything. It's a common misconception that you must inhale when smoking analogs. That's exactly how the tobacco company wants us to think.

But to try and answer your question in a more serious manner.

It's a different kind of "sucking" when smoking an e-cig. Somehow the nicotine gets to your throat and sometimes that is all that someone needs. It is kind of similar to smoking a hookah. You can take smaller hits to inhale the smoke and get a real cut throat feeling with little vapor coming out or you can take a huge hit, with less throat scratching, a lot more vapor, and on top of that, you still get enough nicotine you need because the smoke eventually gets to your throat and possibly your lungs as well, but we don't want anything to go into our lungs now do we? ;]


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When I smoked ultra-lights, I used to inhale down to my toenails. But vaping is different: I find that just barely inhaling gives me just as much of a niccy-hit as inhaling deeply.

Apparently, the vaporized nicotine from a PV is in bigger droplets than the half-incinerated nicotine from an analog. The relevant cells in the lungs can do a better job absorbing the finer nicotine, whereas you get better absorption of the larger vaping droplets via the epithelial cells in your mouth and down to about your larynx.


Full Member
Feb 28, 2012
I'm a 41-year smoker. Those who don't inhale analogs are absorbing very little nicotine. I didn't claim that it was wrong to not inhale the smoke from analogs, I'm saying that if you don't inhale, you are not absorbing the maximum nicotine in the vapor, and therefore are vaping more than necessary to satisfy the nocotine craving

So what you are saying is those who don't inhale, vape more than necessary, or vape higher mg of nicotine, to satisfy their cravings.

There have been several responders to my questions and other noobies' questions who have said we were making a mistake by buying 12 mg. liquid, because it takes 36 mg. liquid to give you the same nic. absorption as the light or ultralight analogs we smoke. If those vapers who are telling us that are not inhaling, and we buy and inhale the 36 mg. liquid, we will not experience the same effects as they do.
Are you understanding my concerns?

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Feb 11, 2012
I'm a 41-year smoker. Those who don't inhale analogs are absorbing very little nicotine. I didn't claim that it was wrong to not inhale the smoke from analogs, I'm saying that if you don't inhale, you are not absorbing the maximum nicotine in the vapor, and therefore are vaping more than necessary to satisfy the nocotine craving

So what you are saying is those who don't inhale vape more than necessary to satisfy their cravings.

There have been several responders to my questions and other noobies' questions who have said we were making a mistake by buying 12 mg. liquid, because it takes 36 mg. liquid to give you the same nic. absorption as the light or ultralight analogs we smoke. If those vapers who are telling us that are not inhaling, and we buy and inhale the 36 mg. liquid, we will not experience the same effects as they do.
Are you understanding my concerns?


I think so. You are concerned that the people who tell you to get the higher nic don't inhale as deeply as you and you would like the right nic level for your vaping experience. I think you should try a few different levels as everyone's experience is different. I stay at 18 for most of the day and 12 at night. I have a carto with 24 to keep me from tearing my hair out. I keep a vp in my mouth most of the time for the behavioral addiction. The more I vape the less deeply I inhale. ymmv


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Feb 12, 2010
Don't feel alone--it's a pet peeve of mine as well, when it comes to vaping videos. It looks weird to me, kind of like watching a character in a movie or TV show smoking where you can tell they don't really smoke because they just blow out uninhaled smoke.

That said, I think a lot of video makers do that to dramatize the vapor production of the PV or liquid. And as others in this thread have noted, nicotine transfer from vapor doesn't occur in the lungs, but rather in the mouth and nasal cavities, so in a way there's less need to inhale. But as somebody who savors the sensation of smoke or vapor hitting the lungs, I can't imagine not inhaling. And typically I hold it in long enough (and I vape 100% PG most of the time) not to exhale much visible vapor.


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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
Nicotine from vapor is absorbed through your mouth, while exhaling through your nose will provide the flavor. I inhale and exhale a vast amount of vapor but I also vape high voltage. Slim ecigs don't produce enough vapor for me to be problem is actually seeing something that resembles the amount of smoke that I used to exhale.

I work with a woman that smokes but doesn't inhale...never could figure out why she me it defeats the purpose. She said she likes the taste. I guess, as a smoker, that's healthier than someone that inhales. I don't know why people don't inhale other than it's possible they never did when they smoked. Anything is possible....


Moved On
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Mar 19, 2009
Vaping is different from smoking in that they have found the majority of nicotine is absorbed thru the mucus membranes in the mouth. So you don't have to inhale as deeply to get the effect you are looking for. I still do though, out of habit:) I think many of the reviewers aren't inhaling as one would expect, because they are trying to show as much vapor as possible, making the device or liquid appear to perform really well. Not to mention the fact they are chain vaping thru most of the videos:)


Full Member
Feb 28, 2012
Thanks for your reply. You are deffinitely right-on! We may be getting advice that is inaccurate, depending on how those people actually vape. I can totally understand your system - to keep from tearing your hair out! Before I retired, I couldn't have even considered switching to vaping, because I had too much on my plate to add the adjustment to the new system. Now, I'm going to do everything in my power to quit analogs, and my goal is to move gradually down to low or no nicotine and vape to my heart's content.

I just read a post from a noobie who has had to quit vaping because his/her mucous membranes are toast. I wonder what level of nicotine that person bought, was that person inhaling, etc. That poster did say that he/she was drinking water constantly.

Hi! And thank you for letting me know that I'm not the only one who questions the why most of them don't inhale on the videos. I've seen comments on those videos about the clouds of vapor being caused by not inhaling.
However, can you give me the locations of the posts or information that says that when vaping the nicotine absorption doesn't occur in the lungs but in the mouth and nasal cavities? I have not read that and would love to see the info.
Most of what I've read states that no one is sure, yet, because no studies have been done.

All I know, is that I won't get off of analogs if I can't inhale naturally and draw in the vapor naturally.
I'm planning to vape the way that SteelJan does. She vapes very closely to like she is smoking an analog. I have a feeling that she uses less liquid and vapes less often than those who draw tons of vapor only to blow it right out.

Any other opinions?????



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Feb 11, 2012
We are here to help you in any way!! Vape your own way. I don't vape like I did to begin with... But I vape more often. Whatever it takes... I eventually would like to get off of nicotine too, but not too quickly as I don't want to relapse ever. I have already found that I don't need the 24 nearly as much as I did to begin with. You'll find your own style and nic level to keep yourself satisfied. I understand your concern that you don't want to use more nic than necessary... Good idea!


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Feb 4, 2011
Over the edge...
I think a lot of video makers do that to dramatize the vapor production of the PV or liquid. QUOTE]

Yeah, it's like when I'm showing off my PV to non-vapers and say "Hey y'all, watch this!" and they go "Oooh, Ahhh"! They would be pretty boring videos if there weren't huge clouds of vapor.


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Feb 12, 2010
Hi! And thank you for letting me know that I'm not the only one who questions the why most of them don't inhale on the videos. I've seen comments on those videos about the clouds of vapor being caused by not inhaling.
However, can you give me the locations of the posts or information that says that when vaping the nicotine absorption doesn't occur in the lungs but in the mouth and nasal cavities? I have not read that and would love to see the info.
Most of what I've read states that no one is sure, yet, because no studies have been done.


I think the oft-repeated observation about lung versus mouth (etc.) came from the material linked in the following post:
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Full Member
Feb 28, 2012
I'm not sure if you read the whole series of posts, or read the entire study, but I did.

In the first place, the study info is pretty much a summary - equipment used gives no model number, year mfd, or specific design and intent for design. They did not give the model or design for the cascade impactor for the study. I've read about 30 different descriptions for the purpose and design for cascade impactors. They were originally put into use in 1970. Since then there have been hundreds, if not thousands of cascade impactors developed for different purposes. The cascade impactor measures the particulates in a vapor, air sample, etc. Each has it's own design a purpose.
There is not enough information to tell us anything. If this was a true research report, the research is bogus. It would never be accepted in the real research world.

If you read all of the posts on the site you gave me, they say that the lungs are where the most nicotine is absorbed, and joke about inhaling to get the nicotine instead of blowing vapor circles.

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