Review of the M201 Penstyle

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • May 10, 2009
    So, here's a penstyle I picked up as 'bought direct from China overstock' from a fellow ECF member. I thought it was an 801 clone, but have had soemone confirm it's not, at least for the atty and coil.

    I've found out that:
    1. lighting can be a b*tch for showing actual vape on video.
    2. It's time to pull out the decent video camera for next time, and backdrop.
    3. When the vapor looks lame, wait until the end. :)

    I 'borrowed' Terraphons' battery rating system, as it's a good idea, at least until we all have 20 hour PVs.

    Using same juice across the M201 and 510.

    Will review all on hand in a 'shoot-out' between J118, Greencig, KR808D1, 510, M401, etc in one video when I get some time, but right now, I'm kinda liking this guy after a few days non-stop with it...not a bad backup to my 510.

    Video review is in the video reviews section, because, well...the sub-forums should really be tags instead of sub-forums, but they're not, and people have a hard enough time finding stuff. :)
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