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Reunion! Ratz!

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Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
This year will be my 40th High School reunion! I hated High School and didn't want to go to the one I graduated from. The one I wanted to go to closed after my 10th grade year. They split us all up between 4 different schools.

The one I ended up at was brand new. I was in the 2nd graduating class. I think I went about 1/2 of my senior year..I skipped most of the time and still managed a 'c" average. I finally got caught and was made to work in the office for the last half of the year..yeah right! I skipped that too!

Now those girls who I never knew, are sending me all kinds of reunion stuff, no thanks. I will stick with my jr. high friends that I have know from 1st grade and have dances and picnics with them instead.

Just so you don't think I am dumb, I made all A's and 1 B in collage for 2 years. The B was for riflery and I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled the day of the final exam. They decided to do the practical shooting instead of the scheduled written test! Can we say ouch!!

I took child care classes in that school, I was supposed to be getting credit toward my teaching certificate..but Florida decided to stop the program 1 month before I graduated! I was not a happy camper.

I had a senior picture of course and one more in my year book..I had no idea the guy was there and was playing with the kids.

Anyone else with Stories or pictures to share?

Child Care picture:


Senior picture:

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 15, 2009
Love the hairdo. Ya know, I think I prefer the old-fashioned senior pics over the modern day ones. Yes, the old style were "serious and somber" but they usually were good portraits. The modern ones are set in false scenes, for the most part.

I'll have to see if I can find mine.

Oh, MaryKay, you should go to the reunion anyway. 40 years makes a lot of difference. If nothing else, it will give you a chance to see how much better you've held up compared to some others, haha.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
WELL! I like that!!! 8-o Old fashioned..it was a flip!
Quite modern for 1969! Wasn't that just yesterday? Or maybe last week?
I was really a good kid, no trouble at all..well except for skipping.
I read my course books from beginning to end before school started, I knew them because once I read something..I have it! (which is why I remember most posts on the board and where they are) Except for math, I have to work each problem out long hand. I could never have done algebra. ( my son says my logic books are the same thing but in long hand) What are logarithms and why in God's name does anyone other then Rocket need them?
I was just bored, I read every book on the reading list besides "In Cold Blood" because I won't read true crime..it sticks in my brain and upsets me. (oddly enough I can watch them on T.V. It doesn't stick) I did reports on all the Dune books instead. I work at my own pace, High School is not geared for that..at least it wasn't back then. I never turned in a work book, or failed a test..thus a "C"! I had one teacher make me take a test alone after I passed it in class, because he thought I was cheating..I scored higher the second time around.
I hated High School, no I won't go to the reunion, I didn't know those people then and wouldn't begin to recognize them now. The friends I did know were from my Jr. High and I see them at least twice a year..more if I can get down to the meetings.

I want to see some of your Pic! I also want to hear your stories. Just no names at the bottom of the pics and leave out your school name.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 15, 2009
How old did you think I was sodoku? LOL! I think I look good for 78!:p

Why, YES, you do look good for 78, lol. Because my sister was 24 years older than I am and my brother was 28 years older (I was adopted), I tell people that I REALLY, REALLY look good for my age when I tell them that my sister died when she was 80 and my brother was 81 You should see the looks on their faces until I them of the age differences.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2009

OMG - I love the freaking FLIP! I have one (picture) just like that, only my hair was 'teased' bigger and higher! I will have to dig it out someday.
That is just great! Every single hair in place!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbs:

It just reminded me how the nuns wouldn't let us tease our hair for school. My parents were none too happy about it either. Gawd - you would think I was a criminal! I will never forget senior prom night. They couldn't stop us from teasing our hair for that. It was a custom for the couples to stop at the convent before going to prom. My hair was as big as could be. I was so happy to put it in thier face. OMG! I was sooo bad!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2009
You know what - I never figured that out. :confused: Not sure - guess they wanted us to be humble, modest and ugly! LOL :p They didn't allow us to wear makeup to high school either. :mad: Hemlines had to be below the knee or you got suspended for 3 days. Had to wear a necktie and a beanie. If you forgot either one - 3 days. Yes - I spent a lot of time suspended. Yet I was an 'A' student, class officer, cheerleading captain and student council secretary. I just always managed to do something stupid that they didn't like. :rolleyes: - like forget my dam beanie!

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
I went to Catholic school for 6 1/2 years..the nuns were nuts about s
skirts, straps and shiny shoes too..but they also worried about boys seeing the backs of our necks! The boys get too excited by that..lo It wasn't the backs of our necks they were looking at!
It wasn't anything to do with Catholic's it was about being strict! It was also about girls tempting boys..like they had no self control or weren't responsible for their own actions. blame the victim mentality.
My friend went to a Christian School..same thing.
My high school with the crazy principal making girls lneel down to check skirts was a public one!

Sodoku! Great pics..boy you are a looker! :)
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 15, 2009
Well, thank you MaryKay. Now, what is it you want??? teeheehee

Wonder what catholic schools are like now.

I went to a very small public school in a rural area so we didn't have much in the way of silly rules...thank goodness! I do remember in junior high (what I believe is now called middle school), we had study hall in the gym and had to sit on the bleachers. All the girls sat on the bottom rungs because of our mini skirts. (Still can't believe I wore those and hot pants...egads...but I regret never having a pair of white knee high boots...oh how cool were those?!)

I also went to school with several girls whose families were old German Baptists (called Dunkards since they baptized by dunking in the creek)...very much like the Amish, but a bit more progressive. Generally, one wasn't baptized until they graduated high school so they didn't wear the Dunkard garb. The kids usually wore fairly normal clothes, within reason. I had one friend who left the house dressed in something her parents approved of...then she'd change into whatever the current fashion was. I never figured out she bought the clothes and kept them hidden from her parents.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 15, 2009
Now, it is NOT often that I feel my age in my head. But I am now.

I'm giving Bonanzle (like ebay) a try and I wanted to set things up so potential buyers could IM me through yahoo (still haven't got that to work!). So I had yahoo IM open for the first time in probably over a year. An old friend from Dayton, OH IM'd me and we had a nice chat. He managed to talk me into setting up a profile on Facebook.


Is that thing ever confusing!!!!! I've always taken to new technology like a duck to water, but I must be losing my edge:(

But, it is cool. Because I put in my college, Facebook immediately listed two people I knew, and I already had a quick note from one of them. So, then I go to look at other classmates..naturally none of my then close friends are on there. I do wonder how those people got so much older than I am though:evil:

I'm completely worn out now.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 19, 2009
Rockledge, FL
I went to Catholic school for 6 1/2 years..the nuns were nuts about s
skirts, straps and shiny shoes too..but they also worried about boys seeing the backs of our necks! The boys get too excited by that..lo It wasn't the backs of our necks they were looking at!
It wasn't anything to do with Catholic's it was about being strict! It was also about girls tempting boys..like they had no self control or weren't responsible for their own actions. blame the victim mentality.
My friend went to a Christian School..same thing.
My high school with the crazy principal making girls lneel down to check skirts was a public one!

Sodoku! Great pics..boy you are a looker! :)

MK - Note what I bolded above. Totally useless trivia, but when I was stationed in Japan, I learned a lot about how they wear their kimonos. They're pretty covered up in those, but surprisingly, one way they showed their femininity was by the way they wore the kimono neckline. Ever notice how a properly-worn kimono gaps at the nape of the neck? That's because that area was considered to be sexy, and the women would spend a lot of time making sure that the gap at the back of the neck was just right. With the upswept hair, the nape shows off very nicely. This is/was important to them, mostly if they were unmarried. Now you know....the rest of the story.
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