Reo Paint Jobs

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ECF Veteran
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Jul 26, 2013
Ok, same door with added color and bubble wrap...what looks like yellow is actually gold and it just shines in the sun. My phone camera sucks and does not do this one justice.


I think I'll keep this one.


ECF Veteran
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Jul 26, 2013
Another awesome outcome caveat! You really have a knack for this. What I'm wondering now is what will clear coating do to the inks? Clear coating had quite a dramatic effect on the patinated brass doors. I'm going to clear coat that last door I did if the weather co-operates tomorrow. I'm hoping doing so will deepen the colors and bring out the contrast between the colors more.


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Aug 1, 2014
United States
Another awesome outcome caveat! You really have a knack for this. What I'm wondering now is what will clear coating do to the inks? Clear coating had quite a dramatic effect on the patinated brass doors. I'm going to clear coat that last door I did if the weather co-operates tomorrow. I'm hoping doing so will deepen the colors and bring out the contrast between the colors more.

I clear coated the door this morning and it changed the colors a fair bit. They really pop out now and seem lighter than before. I think it still looks good, but quite a bit brighter. Kinda lost the look of a patina, but still all swirly colors.


Blah! There's a dog hair embedded in the ink on the door :( Guess I'll have to do this one over.
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Aug 1, 2014
United States
So this is something like attempt 42. I lost count.

I'm not completely happy with this one. I may try to do the patina look sans dog hair again. Guess that means it's time to clean house a little. Damn shedding season.



The pearl makes it really hard to get a good picture but sure makes it look nice in person.


ECF Veteran
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Jul 26, 2013
I have dog hair stuck to one of the doors I'm going to re-do. At first I thought..."Gee this ink took on a cracked appearance, looks kinda cool" Then I realized it was dog hair. :blush:

caveat, you sure have guts doing your entire Reo! I'm scared to do one of minel! I want to so bad cause I see yours and they look so good but I can't work up the nerve lol!


ECF Veteran
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Jul 26, 2013
I sort of gave up on ever getting a patina look on my doors with these inks, which I'm ok with, I can always buy a brass door. I've been thinking about something I noticed when I wash off one of my doors with the alcohol though. When the alcohol is first poured on, the ink has this fantastic look for about two seconds before it begins to run and wash off. With that in mind I decided to incorporate the alcohol into the application process and I'm very pleased with it. After letting the coats of ink dry I took a q-tip and dipped it into my alcohol and then patted the q-tip with a napkin so that it wasn't super soaked, just damp. Then used the damp q-tip to blot at the's the result! I wanted to pass this on for anyone else who likes it and wants to try.



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Aug 1, 2014
United States
I sort of gave up on ever getting a patina look on my doors with these inks, which I'm ok with, I can always buy a brass door. I've been thinking about something I noticed when I wash off one of my doors with the alcohol though. When the alcohol is first poured on, the ink has this fantastic look for about two seconds before it begins to run and wash off. With that in mind I decided to incorporate the alcohol into the application process and I'm very pleased with it. After letting the coats of ink dry I took a q-tip and dipped it into my alcohol and then patted the q-tip with a napkin so that it wasn't super soaked, just damp. Then used the damp q-tip to blot at the's the result! I wanted to pass this on for anyone else who likes it and wants to try.

View attachment 370883

I was thinking the same thing the first time I cleaned it off. For just a second it had this fantastic kinda distressed look.

I like that door. Makes me think of the ceiling in the Bellagio.


ECF Veteran
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Jul 26, 2013
I clear coated the door this morning and it changed the colors a fair bit. They really pop out now and seem lighter than before. I think it still looks good, but quite a bit brighter. Kinda lost the look of a patina, but still all swirly colors.


Blah! There's a dog hair embedded in the ink on the door :( Guess I'll have to do this one over.

I totally missed this post the other day. LOL at the dog hair again, I have the same prob! Was this the door in the pic from your post #64? If so the clear coating did change the look didn't it? Huh. I wonder if different clear coats do different things with the looks. I've got clear engine enamel by Rust-Oleum that I used on one door two days ago and the looks didn't change at all. The engine enamel is sort of tacky still and I used just a light layer, not liking that.


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Aug 1, 2014
United States
I totally missed this post the other day. LOL at the dog hair again, I have the same prob! Was this the door in the pic from your post #64? If so the clear coating did change the look didn't it? Huh. I wonder if different clear coats do different things with the looks. I've got clear engine enamel by Rust-Oleum that I used on one door two days ago and the looks didn't change at all. The engine enamel is sort of tacky still and I used just a light layer, not liking that.

Yes, this was the one with the dog hair in it and the one that looked a lot like a patina up until I clear coated it. :( I think this was the plain old Rustoleum. I haven't picked up the engine enamel yet. I might have kept this one if not for the dog hair. I found out it was the static cling on the saran wrap that was getting me in trouble. Gotta remember not to set it down anywhere :\ Swept the house three times over the holiday weekend.

I tend to like to really layer the clear coat on. I usually put on 5-6 coats (first one VERY light), wet sand as needed, and then when it's all cured, wax over the top every week or two.


ECF Veteran
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Jul 26, 2013
We can sweep and sweep and sweep and the dog hair just floats everywhere. We find it on top of the door jambs even. Frustrating that it ruined your door.

I hadn't thought of using more than one coat of the clear coat. I'll have to give it a shot and see if doing so will brighten things up for my one door. I'd really like for the colors to pop more.
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